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News Group: microsoft.public.sqlserver.olap

I could use some help with this.

I have a measure called Production that I can use with another
dimension called Firm such as:

[Measures].[Production] on 0,
[Firm].[Faid].members * [Date].[Year].&[2009] on 1
from Retail

to get Production for the lowest level of the Firm dimension (the
FAID) for 2009.

The Firm dimension also has a native hierarchy called "Market". So all
FAIDs belong to a given Market. My question is: How do I get the sum
of Production for all FAIDs that belong to the current FAID's Market.
If I restrict the query with a Slicer I only get the Sum for whatever
criteria I put in. If I add  "WHERE ([Firm].[Firm - Branch - FA].
[Faid].&[15]&[38]&[7])" I get a specific FAID returned with his
Production. But when I do a SUM it just gets his Production for the
sum. I want the sum for ALL FAIDs under his Market.

Any suggestions would be helpful. Thanks.


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Date Posted: 3-May-2012, at 7:53 AM EST
From: Scott C