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Service Pack install on new cluster node  
News Group: microsoft.public.sqlserver.clustering


We have an existing 2 node cluster running SQL 2005 Enterprise x64 SP2
on W2K3 R2 Enterprise x64 SP2. We have added a third node to the
cluster. SQL deployed without a hitch. When we ran the SP2 install
from the active node, the install ended saying it had nothing to
upgrade, ie, it did not see that there was an additional node without
an SP. I understand this is a known bug and have seen that SP3 is the
recommended solution.

Because we haven't tested SP3 against all our systems, I want to get
SP2 working first. I believe if we failed-over to this new node, so it
became the active node, we could then get the SP to install.

So, the question is: can I fail-over the cluster to the new un-service-
packed node without risk to the existing setup. Is there anything in
the system databses that could become damaged by moving from an SP2
instance to an RTM instance?

Thanks in advance for your responses.


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Date Posted: 27-Aug-2010, at 1:48 AM EST
From: Steve