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LabVIEW - Synchronizing digital and analog waveforms  
News Group: comp.lang.labview

Hi all, 

I am new to using LabVIEW and I was hoping to get some help with the issues I am having with my VI. I am working with a myDAQ that I have set to produce an analog output and also acquire data from a digital and analog input. I am then graphing that data on a mixed signals graph, which is working properly. However, the two waveforms on the graph are not synced. It seems that the digital input is off by approximately 0.05 seconds and I'm not quite sure how to fix this. I've tried using two separate DAQs but this didn't make a difference. I also thought that maybe I needed to use sample clocks for each of the inputs, however when I try using a sample clock with the digital input I get an error.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to approach this issue? 

Anything would help, thanks!

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Date Posted: 5-May-2014, at 4:04 PM EST
From: pineapplexpress