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How can I display matrix with row and colnames.  
News Group: comp.soft-sys.matlab

I have a 2x3 matrix and cell array like below:

matrix = [1,2,3;4,5,6]
rownames = {'10A','20B'}
colnames = {'10C5D,'20C5D',20C5D'}

rownames and colnames was made from sprintf command.

When I tried to make table, it showed errors.
How can I display it in the command window?

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Date Posted: 28-Aug-2016, at 10:14 PM EST
From: Sungwoo Park
Re: How can I display matrix with row and colnames.  
News Group: comp.soft-sys.matlab

"Sungwoo Park"  wrote in message 
> I have a 2x3 matrix and cell array like below:
> matrix = [1,2,3;4,5,6]
> rownames = {'10A','20B'}
> colnames = {'10C5D,'20C5D',20C5D'}
> rownames and colnames was made from sprintf command.
> When I tried to make table, it showed errors.
> How can I display it in the command window?

Convert your array into a table using ARRAY2TABLE. Specify the RowNames and 
VariableNames name-value pairs.

Steve Lord
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Date Posted: 29-Aug-2016, at 9:58 AM EST
From: Steven Lord