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XE2 to XE6 Issues  
News Group: embarcadero.public.delphi.database.interbase_express

I just started using XE6 and I'm attempting to migrate one of my existing applications. I keep getting this error message "Dynamic SQL Error SQL error code = -104 as approximate floating-point values in SQL dialect 1, but as 64-bit Save anyway?" My TIBDatabase component is set to dialect 3 and I can't figure out which dataset or component is causing this error.

Any idea's on how to track this down?


- Chris

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Date Posted: 13-May-2014, at 9:59 PM EST
From: Chris LeFebvre
Re: XE2 to XE6 Issues  
News Group: embarcadero.public.delphi.database.interbase_express
Hi Quinn:

I'm sorry, after four hours of trying to figure out what was causing that error (and I was a little crazed by then) my description probably should have been a little more detailed but I can't compile, run or do anything I'm stuck in the ide where I'm getting this error so the debugger is of no help. I can't even close the project or exit the ide; in either instance I first get the message "Save changes to project Abcxyz" which I say Yes to; then I get a confirm dialog that says "Dynamic SQL Error SQL erro
r code = -104 as approximate floating-point values in SQL dialect 1, but as 64-bit Save anyway?"; when I say yes to that I get an error dialog saying "Dynamic SQL error SQL error code = -104 as approximate floating-point values in SQL dialect 1, but as 64-bit." and the option to click Ok; when I click Ok the ide doesn't exit if I selected File / Exit and the project doesn't close if I selected File / Close All.

Since this is a copy of the XE2 project I started deleting components until I finally got to the one causing the problem but the same error I described above is preventing me from deleting the component from the form. The component that's the source of the problem is of TIBQuery and the SQL statement that appears to be throwing this error is:
{code}Update Pictures Set FileDate = :New
Where Keyfield In ( {code}
normally during runtime I modify this statement i.e. qUpdate.Sql[1] := " Where Keyfield In ( 100, 200, 300, 400 )" then set the update value qUpdate.Parambyname("New").AsDate := iNewDate and then execute. 

This error code makes no sense to me, at design time the TIBDatabase is not connected but is set to dialect 3 and this projects target platform is 32bit only?

- Chris

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Date Posted: 14-May-2014, at 10:40 PM EST
From: Chris LeFebvre
Re: XE2 to XE6 Issues  
News Group: embarcadero.public.delphi.database.interbase_express
Hi Quinn:

I tried the patch and it didn't make a difference.

I've had a little more time to work on this and apparently what is causing this error is the incomplete SQL statement
{code}Update Pictures Set FileDate = :New
Where Keyfield In ( {code}
when I complete this even with a dummy value i.e. "Where Keyfield In ( 100 )" the error no longer happens.

Thanks for helping me work this out, do you think this is something that should have a QC report filed?

- Chris

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Date Posted: 19-May-2014, at 12:17 PM EST
From: Chris LeFebvre
Re: XE2 to XE6 Issues [Edit]  
News Group: embarcadero.public.delphi.database.interbase_express
Hi Jeff:

I have a very basic test project that I can send you with instructions on how to reproduce the problem, or I can outline steps for you to reproduce this yourself.

Let me know what you want to do.

- Chris

Edited by: Chris LeFebvre on May 19, 2014 3:05 PM

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Date Posted: 19-May-2014, at 6:06 PM EST
From: Chris LeFebvre