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Single TCP server, multiple client  
News Group: embarcadero.public.cppbuilder.internet.socket


As I mentioned in the subject my aim is to write a little programm which use one TTcpServer componenet whith multiple client connection possibility. 

So I create a Thread which can handle the incoming connection requests (this thread contains the TTcpServer componenet).
My plan was the following:

- When a new client accepted the 

*void __fastcall TCPServerThread::TcpServerAccept(TObject *Sender, TCustomIpClient *ClientSocket)*

method called. As you can see at this time I get the ClientSocket pointer which is a representation of the accepted client. So 
I thought that If I put this pointer into an array (or a map) later I can access the accepted clients from this array. But after the TcpServerAccept method finished the ClientSocket's in the array becomes a Disconnected state.

Can you tell me why, or can you provide a sample? I found a few sample on the internet but these samples show a Single TCP server Single Client solution... :(

Thanks the answer in advance!


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Date Posted: 16-Jun-2014, at 7:41 AM EST
From: Csaba Urban
Re: Single TCP server, multiple client  
News Group: embarcadero.public.cppbuilder.internet.socket
Well, based on your answer I changed to the IndyTCP componenet and now I think I can solve my problem.
Thank You!

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Date Posted: 17-Jun-2014, at 5:24 AM EST
From: Csaba Urban