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Conflict among an undeletable IB 6.5 and the three new versi  
News Group: embarcadero.public.interbase.general

Part Two of my previous posting on the three versions of IB XE3...

	I now think I know what I bollixed up!  I had an old version of Delphi 7 on my development machine and had also loaded Interbase v6.5 from that version.  At the time, I did not use any data base software and attempted to uninstall IB 6.5.  It would not uninstall and I received the error message, cannot uninstall because a service is running.  I believe it was either or both IB Server and IB Guardian.  At the time, I did not know how to stop them, so like an idiot I can sometime be, I went through all of 
the IB files and folders madly deleting every bit of code.  Unfortunately, neither IB Server nor IB Guardian would delete and continued running.  

	I think this is how I got to the point in my previous posting of, after describing how I purchased and installed (in this order) the Developer Edition of IB XE3 in Delphi XE6, the ToGo version of IB XE3, and finally the full version of IB XE3, then this: “Now, I do not know what version is running when I click on the Server (the Server box only contains the bottom label of “properties” and does not show the two buttons for “Server Properties” and “Guardian Properties”.  Then when I attempt to login to SY
SDBA with the password “masterkey”, I get the error message “Connection rejected by remote interface”.  Also, the Interbase XE3 64 Manager(gds_db) has the caption “Interbase XE3 32 Manager(gds_db) “ rather than “64".

	So then, now how do I go about stopping IB 6.5 Server and Guardian?? When I go to the Windows Task Manager and click on the Services Tab, then on either Server or Guardian, I get a message “access denied”.  I tried going to the folder that still contains IB 6.5 Server and Guardian, clicking on the entry and properties, then attempted to change the permissions.  Again, the system gives me the middle finger and will not allow me to change the permissions so that I can stop the services.  Is there any way I
 can do this, short of replacing my development machine, i.e., how to I get rid of this problem??

	Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.  John Shyer

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Date Posted: 15-Oct-2014, at 9:33 AM EST
From: John Shyer
Re: Conflict among an undeletable IB 6.5 and the three new v  
News Group: embarcadero.public.interbase.general
"John Shyer" wrote in message
> So then, now how do I go about stopping IB 6.5 Server and Guardian?? When 
> I go to the Windows Task Manager and click on the Services Tab, then on 
> either Server or Guardian, I get a message “access denied”.

You get an error just clicking on it or when trying to stop the service? I 
assume the latter.

You should be able to right click on Guardian , select properties, and set 
Startup Type to disabled from automatic. Then restart your computer and 
neither guardian or ibserver should be running.

Wayne Niddery
"You know what they call alternative medicine that has been proven to work? 
Medicine." - Tim Minchin

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Date Posted: 16-Oct-2014, at 2:11 PM EST
From: Wayne Niddery