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Dockable toolbars  
News Group: embarcadero.public.delphi.vcl.components.using

I had a look at the TControlBar and TToolbar components in Delphi XE4 for 
creating dockable toolbars but I can't seem to create vertical dockable 
toolbars with TToolbar. Is it possible to change the style of the TToolbar 
handles? Is it possible to hide the TControlBar component so that user can't 
see it?

There is shareware dockable toolbar component called TToolBar2000 that seems 
to work better.


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Date Posted: 5-Dec-2014, at 5:37 AM EST
From: Pier Nardin
Re: Dockable toolbars  
News Group: embarcadero.public.delphi.vcl.components.using
Pier Nardin wrote:

> Peter
> I am using control bars as docking sites for the toolbars. They do
> work but they don't have a good look and feel. Is it possible to
> change the style of the toolbar handles? At runtime the toolbar
> handles don't look like they do in the IDE. I am using Delphi 7.

That may be a theming issue. But D7 is truely ancient and predates
The TToolbar class is a wrapper for a Windows common control, and as
far as i'm aware this control does not support owner-drawing, so it's
difficult to change its looks.

Peter Below (TeamB)

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Date Posted: 9-Dec-2014, at 10:45 AM EST
From: Peter Below
Re: Dockable toolbars  
News Group: embarcadero.public.delphi.vcl.components.using

I am using control bars as docking sites for the toolbars. They do work but 
they don't have a good look and feel. Is it possible to change the style of 
the toolbar handles? At runtime the toolbar handles don't look like they do 
in the IDE. I am using Delphi 7.


"Peter Below"  wrote in message
> Pier Nardin wrote:
>> I had a look at the TControlBar and TToolbar components in Delphi XE4
>> for creating dockable toolbars but I can't seem to create vertical
>> dockable toolbars with TToolbar. Is it possible to change the style
>> of the TToolbar handles?
> If you set the Wrapable property of the toolbar to true the control
> will rearrange its toolbuttons if you make it high and narrow. Each
> TToolbutton also has a Wrap property that forces a "line break" after
> the button, if the automatic placement does not work as you want it to
> work.
>> Is it possible to hide the TControlBar component so that user can't
> see it?
> Why would you want to do that? The only purpose of this control is to
> allow the user to resize and move the bar. Why use one at all if you
> don't want that?
> -- 
> Peter Below (TeamB)

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Date Posted: 9-Dec-2014, at 1:09 AM EST
From: Pier Nardin
Re: Dockable toolbars  
News Group: embarcadero.public.delphi.vcl.components.using
Pier Nardin wrote:

> I had a look at the TControlBar and TToolbar components in Delphi XE4
> for creating dockable toolbars but I can't seem to create vertical
> dockable toolbars with TToolbar. Is it possible to change the style
> of the TToolbar handles? 

If you set the Wrapable property of the toolbar to true the control
will rearrange its toolbuttons if you make it high and narrow. Each
TToolbutton also has a Wrap property that forces a "line break" after
the button, if the automatic placement does not work as you want it to

> Is it possible to hide the TControlBar component so that user can't
see it?

Why would you want to do that? The only purpose of this control is to
allow the user to resize and move the bar. Why use one at all if you
don't want that?

Peter Below (TeamB)

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Date Posted: 5-Dec-2014, at 11:52 PM EST
From: Peter Below