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changing vcl theme on MDI form  
News Group: embarcadero.public.delphi.vcl.components.using

My application has a Maximized MDI child form (borderstyle= bsDialog and no border icons) with a combo box listing XE4 themes. When I change the theme the MDI child form is no longer Maximized and include border icons. Why does XE4 add border icons when the theme is changed? How can I remove the border icons?

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Date Posted: 27-Dec-2014, at 6:11 PM EST
From: George Kuascha
Re: changing vcl theme on MDI form  
News Group: embarcadero.public.delphi.vcl.components.using
added WindowState:=wsMaximized;  in the  OnRefresh event to solve this problem

> {quote:title=George Kuascha wrote:}{quote}
> My application has a Maximized MDI child form (borderstyle= bsDialog and no border icons) with a combo box listing XE4 themes. When I change the theme the MDI child form is no longer Maximized and include border icons. Why does XE4 add border icons when the theme is changed? How can I remove the border icons?

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Date Posted: 29-Dec-2014, at 1:38 AM EST
From: George Kuascha