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News Group: embarcadero.public.delphi.thirdpartytools.intraweb

In IW 10, the TerminateAndRedirect method took two parameters, a message to display to the user and the address to which the user should be redirected.

In IW 14, The TerminateAndRedirect method takes only one parameter - the address to which the user should be redirected.

Is it possible for me to mimic the old behavior?  I want to be able to tell the user why they are being redirected to another page.  The IW 10 TerminateAndRedirect provided an easy way to do that.  

How can I provide the user a message and then TerminateAndRedirect to a new page?

Randall H. Carpenter

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Date Posted: 19-Jan-2015, at 10:22 AM EST
From: Randall Carpenter
Re: TerminateAndRedirect  
News Group: embarcadero.public.delphi.thirdpartytools.intraweb
> Thank you.  This works wonderfully.

Great! :-)

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Date Posted: 20-Jan-2015, at 3:04 AM EST
From: Alexandre Machado
Re: TerminateAndRedirect  
News Group: embarcadero.public.delphi.thirdpartytools.intraweb
> {quote:title=Alexandre Machado wrote:}{quote}
> > {quote:title=Randall Carpenter wrote:}{quote}
> > In IW 10, the TerminateAndRedirect method took two parameters, a message to display to the user and the address to which the user should be redirected.
> > 
> > In IW 14, The TerminateAndRedirect method takes only one parameter - the address to which the user should be redirected.
> > 
> > Is it possible for me to mimic the old behavior?  I want to be able to tell the user why they are being redirected to another page.  The IW 10 TerminateAndRedirect provided an easy way to do that.  
> > 
> > How can I provide the user a message and then TerminateAndRedirect to a new page?
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > Randall H. Carpenter
> Please check this demo I've just uploaded: Demos/XIV/Delphi/TerminateAndRedirect2/
> This simulates the old behavior. Please note that the old method used in IW 10 may fail under some circumstances/browsers. This new method should work fine in all cases.
> Best regards

Thank you.  This works wonderfully.

Randall H. Carpenter

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Date Posted: 19-Jan-2015, at 5:52 PM EST
From: Randall Carpenter
Re: TerminateAndRedirect  
News Group: embarcadero.public.delphi.thirdpartytools.intraweb
> {quote:title=Alexandre Machado wrote:}{quote}
> > {quote:title=Randall Carpenter wrote:}{quote}
> > In IW 10, the TerminateAndRedirect method took two parameters, a message to display to the user and the address to which the user should be redirected.
> > 
> > In IW 14, The TerminateAndRedirect method takes only one parameter - the address to which the user should be redirected.
> > 
> > Is it possible for me to mimic the old behavior?  I want to be able to tell the user why they are being redirected to another page.  The IW 10 TerminateAndRedirect provided an easy way to do that.  
> > 
> > How can I provide the user a message and then TerminateAndRedirect to a new page?
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > Randall H. Carpenter
> Please check this demo I've just uploaded: Demos/XIV/Delphi/TerminateAndRedirect2/
> This simulates the old behavior. Please note that the old method used in IW 10 may fail under some circumstances/browsers. This new method should work fine in all cases.
> Best regards

Thank you.  This works wonderfully.

Randall H. Carpenter

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Date Posted: 19-Jan-2015, at 5:53 PM EST
From: Randall Carpenter
Re: TerminateAndRedirect  
News Group: embarcadero.public.delphi.thirdpartytools.intraweb
> {quote:title=Alexandre Machado wrote:}{quote}
> > {quote:title=Randall Carpenter wrote:}{quote}
> > In IW 10, the TerminateAndRedirect method took two parameters, a message to display to the user and the address to which the user should be redirected.
> > 
> > In IW 14, The TerminateAndRedirect method takes only one parameter - the address to which the user should be redirected.
> > 
> > Is it possible for me to mimic the old behavior?  I want to be able to tell the user why they are being redirected to another page.  The IW 10 TerminateAndRedirect provided an easy way to do that.  
> > 
> > How can I provide the user a message and then TerminateAndRedirect to a new page?
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > Randall H. Carpenter
> Please check this demo I've just uploaded: Demos/XIV/Delphi/TerminateAndRedirect2/
> This simulates the old behavior. Please note that the old method used in IW 10 may fail under some circumstances/browsers. This new method should work fine in all cases.
> Best regards

Thank you.  This works wonderfully.

Randall H. Carpenter

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Date Posted: 19-Jan-2015, at 5:52 PM EST
From: Randall Carpenter
Re: TerminateAndRedirect  
News Group: embarcadero.public.delphi.thirdpartytools.intraweb
> {quote:title=Randall Carpenter wrote:}{quote}
> In IW 10, the TerminateAndRedirect method took two parameters, a message to display to the user and the address to which the user should be redirected.
> In IW 14, The TerminateAndRedirect method takes only one parameter - the address to which the user should be redirected.
> Is it possible for me to mimic the old behavior?  I want to be able to tell the user why they are being redirected to another page.  The IW 10 TerminateAndRedirect provided an easy way to do that.  
> How can I provide the user a message and then TerminateAndRedirect to a new page?
> Thanks,
> Randall H. Carpenter

Please check this demo I've just uploaded: Demos/XIV/Delphi/TerminateAndRedirect2/

This simulates the old behavior. Please note that the old method used in IW 10 may fail under some circumstances/browsers. This new method should work fine in all cases.

Best regards

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Date Posted: 19-Jan-2015, at 11:10 AM EST
From: Alexandre Machado