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XE7, XCode 6.1, iOS 8.1 - What a combination  
News Group: embarcadero.public.delphi.platformspecific.ios


I've been trying to port some XE7 Delphi code to an iOS iPad these last few days and I seem to be getting no where.

When I try to build the project within XE7 I get the famous "Unable to install package" error. If I ignore that error and copy the IPA file to the iPad using iTunes then the code fires up. The program works but randomly crashes, sometimes it runs to 20 seconds before it crashes, sometimes it runs a lot longer. To me this seems like a memory issue.

I've not been able to run the code in the iOS simulator as I get the famous "Timeout error".

I've been digging around trying to find error logs that might be generated and so far I have found none!

Does anyone have any tips as to where I may go next? 

Reading around it's almost as if I need to roll back to iOS 7 to get the simulator working but I only have the one MAC and I'm not keen to wind it back.

Does anyone know of a good combination of versions of the software layers that will work to allow me to debug in the iOS simulator?

Many thanks


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Date Posted: 10-Dec-2014, at 7:56 AM EST
From: Martin Waller
Re: XE7, XCode 6.1, iOS 8.1 - What a combination  
News Group: embarcadero.public.delphi.platformspecific.ios
> Does anyone know of a good combination of versions of the software layers 
> that will work to allow me to debug in the iOS simulator?

I using XCode 6.1.1. But XE7 works only with the simulator 7.1. not 8.x
The 7.1 simulator it's not automatic installed with XCode 6.1, you have to
install it via Menu XCode / Preferences.
After that, you have to update your SDK/iOS Simulator of XE7.


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Date Posted: 10-Dec-2014, at 11:35 PM EST
From: Ronald Klitsche