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Are local classes going to be allowed?  
News Group: embarcadero.public.delphi.oodesign


I just innocently included a class in function I was writing and was told off by the compiler when I went to run it:

function CalcCsvDelimiter(lines: TStrings): char;
  TDelimData = class
    delim: char;           
    counts: TArray;
    variance: double;       
   delims: TObjectList;

Local classes are possible in Apple's new language Swift. i can see that Delphi's split syntax, which generally I like, makes it harder to have a convenient way to add methods to a local class. In this case it was pure data, and I wanted the convenience of a generic TObjectList.

But surely there is a way to add this control of scope to Delphi. Has Embarcadero thought about this?


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Date Posted: 13-Sep-2014, at 8:55 PM EST
From: Mark Patterson