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how to implement multiple graphic devices...  
News Group: embarcadero.public.delphi.oodesign

  I am going to create:
     - a list of graphics objects, starting from primitives like point, line, polyline etc. (TGrObj);
     - a list of objects that provide different device contests, like googleearth, autocad, glsceneviewers, bitmap canvas etc. (TGrDevice)
 and I would like to decide to which graphic device draw objects, independetly, something like: TGrObj.drawto(TGrDevice) or TGrDevice.drawlist(list of TGrObj)....

I would appreciate hints to do it efficiently and enough "independently".
(I should use interfaces? if yes.. how?)

thanks in advance,
Filippo Forlani

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Date Posted: 15-Oct-2014, at 2:33 AM EST
From: Filippo Forlani