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making app go full screen including hiding the taksbar  
News Group: embarcadero.public.delphi.nativeapi

My aplication hides the taskbar and is supposed to go full  screen.  I successfully hide the taskbar, but the full screen leaves anough space as though the task bar was still there.  How can I make the form really go full screen when I click the maximize button?   FYI I actually hide the taskbar using EnableWindow(findwindow, 'Shell_TrayWnd',Nil),false).  It seems like the routines see the window even though it is being disabled.

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Date Posted: 1-Jan-2015, at 9:36 PM EST
From: al nickels
Re: making app go full screen including hiding the taksbar  
News Group: embarcadero.public.delphi.nativeapi
al nickels wrote:

> My aplication hides the taskbar and is supposed to go full  screen.
> I successfully hide the taskbar, but the full screen leaves anough
> space as though the task bar was still there.  How can I make the
> form really go full screen when I click the maximize button?   FYI I
> actually hide the taskbar using EnableWindow(findwindow,
> 'Shell_TrayWnd',Nil),false).  It seems like the routines see the
> window even though it is being disabled.

If you try to go into full screen mode by setting the Windowstate to
wsMaximized,  set the form Borderstyle to bsNone and set all border
icons to false.

Windows restricts forms that have a caption bar and a sizeable or
dialog border to the screen workarea (screen minus taskbar).

Peter Below (TeamB)

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Date Posted: 2-Jan-2015, at 1:37 AM EST
From: Peter Below