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[XE7.1 all platforms]

I know there are even a TMS library to retrieve the basic stuff from facebook, 
almost like doing a thin client for facebook on delphi.

But I am not looking for it. I know little about facebook.

However I wanted to see if there is a way to customers book apointements 
on facebook and then retrieve that with a Delphi program. It will connect 
retrieve and see if can be appointed on that day, then will post on the timeline. 

My problem is that I am not sure, and searching for it could not find anything. 
It seems there is mini applications that can be placed on facebook pages, 
could it possible to have a JS script showing a calendar and then posting 
a request for booking a date/time? 

The booking process can be very simples, if I could make something that post 
a message on the timeline but in a formated way that can be recognized from 
the Delphi program with parsing it.

Well, I am not able to look up for the correct words and find answers.

I wonder if someone came across this need or know the information.



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Date Posted: 17-Jan-2015, at 4:12 AM EST
From: Eduardo Elias