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TListBoxItem - trap click as well as long tap  
News Group: embarcadero.public.delphi.firemonkey

If I use the onClick event of a listboxitem it seems that none of the gestures work. Is it possible to use both onClick and onGesture?

What I want is to trap a click event and a long tap event. How to do that?

Thanks in advance.


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Date Posted: 17-Jan-2015, at 1:17 PM EST
From: Keith Marbach
Re: TListBoxItem - trap click as well as long tap  
News Group: embarcadero.public.delphi.firemonkey
I posted two questions over the weekend and the results are counter-intuitive. The higher level, more theoretical question about time management and tracking had many thoughtful and helpful comments, whereas this question which I though would be a very simple "Do this" sort of answer, has yet to have a single response. What's going on with this, how hard is it program a control to respond to both a tap event as well as a long tap? This seems like something many people would include as part of their interf
ace on a regular basis.

> What I want is to trap a click event (ie, a tap event) and a long tap event. How to trap both and respond to both?

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Date Posted: 20-Jan-2015, at 6:06 PM EST
From: Keith Marbach