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Controls do not resize  
News Group: embarcadero.public.delphi.firemonkey


We have image components inside an layout and we try to resize the size of the image accoording to the size of the layout. But nothing happens we tried everything 

Now we have it like this image 1 aligned left and the size calculated on the resize of the layout the layout is algned client and due to device size the resize event is always raised

  sgnCustomer.Size.Width := Layout4.Size.Width/2;

inside the resize routine we see the proper sizes calculated but on the device nothing happens the controls stay sized in the middle of the screen at size of 1/4 width of the layout and 1/2 the height of the layout

delhi version xe7 
already installed the hotfix for non resizing controls

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Date Posted: 19-Jan-2015, at 9:55 PM EST
From: Rene Pijnacker