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News Group: embarcadero.public.delphi.database.firedac

I'm trying to get the EventAlerter to work with MS2008R2 everything seems to be OK except that I never get an alert
I tried to work with the example shipped with XE7 Enterprise.
I did enable the broker and I can see that the Queue's and Services get created.
Was wondering if I'm missing something else.

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Date Posted: 21-Jan-2015, at 10:06 AM EST
From: Martin Nelsen
News Group: embarcadero.public.delphi.database.firedac
We use it like this:
      MsgTraeEvent.Active := False;
      MsgTraeEvent.Connection := DM.Conn;
      MsgTraeEvent.Names.Add('QUEUE=' + 'q' + FMsgTraeServiceName);
      MsgTraeEvent.Names.Add('SERVICE=' + 's' + FMsgTraeServiceName);
      MsgTraeEvent.Names.Add('CHANGE2=trae;SELECT Updated, Status ' +
                                          'FROM dbo.MsgTrae ');

FMsgTraeServiceName is a unique Name. We drop the service manually with
DROP SERVICE 's'+FMsgTraeServiceName;
DROP QUEUE 'q'+FMsgTraeServiceName;

"SELECT Updated, Status FROM dbo.MsgTrae" is the SQL which we want to check for updates.
If an update is recognized, the MsgTraeEvent-Alert-Event fires.

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Date Posted: 4-Apr-2016, at 12:57 AM EST
From: machstuhl