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Is BDERTL present on my application?  
News Group: embarcadero.public.bde.general


I have an application that originally used BDE. A long time has passed since, and more recently it has been using InterBase. I have successfully developed new functionalities and optimizations for 32 bits using C++ Builder XE.

I'm currently trying to migrate this application to 64 bits using C++ Builder XE5, but I'm stuck due to a problem with some BDERTL.a file that is not found: "Unable to find static library: bdertl.a". How can I be sure that BDE is completely removed from my project? and/or How can I solved this bdertl.a file that is not found?

Patricio Cerda

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Date Posted: 23-Nov-2014, at 12:01 PM EST
From: Patricio Cerda
Re: Is BDERTL present on my application?  
News Group: embarcadero.public.bde.general
Look in .h files for #include of BDE hpp files.

Patricio Cerda wrote:
> Hi,
> I have an application that originally used BDE. A long time has passed since, and more recently it has been using InterBase. I have successfully developed new functionalities and optimizations for 32 bits using C++ Builder XE.
> I'm currently trying to migrate this application to 64 bits using C++ Builder XE5, but I'm stuck due to a problem with some BDERTL.a file that is not found: "Unable to find static library: bdertl.a". How can I be sure that BDE is completely removed from my project? and/or How can I solved this bdertl.a file that is not found?
> Regards,
> Patricio Cerda

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Date Posted: 24-Nov-2014, at 8:18 AM EST
From: quinn wildman