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One significant change in XE6  
News Group: embarcadero.public.delphi.database.interbase_express

As of XE6, IBX units are now namespaced to IBX.  This was mainly due to FireDAC 
having a FireDAC.ib.pas unit and IBX having an ib.pas unit.  If FireDAC got 
added to the Unit Scope Names (which sometimes gets injected without someone 
doing it from bug reports) IBX apps could no longer compile since FireDAC.ib.pas 
alphabetically comes before ib.pas.

Short term you can add IBX to your unit scope names and not have to change your 
code.  New code will generate uses clauses like

uses IBX.IBCustomDataset;

Long term I suggest unless you are compiling your code also on older compilers 
to go through and add IBX. in front of the IBX units in your uses clauses.  Then 
even if FireDAC gets injected into your unit scope names it will not break your 
IBX apps.

Jeff Overcash (TeamB)
       (Please do not email me directly unless  asked. Thank You)
And so I patrol in the valley of the shadow of the tricolor
I must fear evil. For I am but mortal and mortals can only die.
Asking questions, pleading answers from the nameless
faceless watchers that stalk the carpeted  corridors of Whitehall.

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Date Posted: 15-Apr-2014, at 2:30 PM EST
From: Jeff Overcash (TeamB)