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Mega Fragmentation.. help!!  
News Group: embarcadero.public.dbartisan.general

I was asked to take a look at an older Sybase ASE 12.5 database which was performing slowly.
I installed a trial of DBArtisan locally on the DB Server host (a VM).  Then I ran the space analyst and clicked on the two major DBs and show object frag scores... 
Database 93%
Tables 99%
Indexes 85%

Am I reading this properly?  The DB is fragged beyond reason?

So now the test.. how do I fix?
I also noticed that the datafile structure is odd .. 20GB files and a lot of them all on the same drive letter (yes this is on windows 2003 and we have misaligned partitions..also)

My question is on the best approach...
How can I use DBArtisan to create NEW larger datafiles... and rebuild the tables and indexes in them non fragged? HOW?  or is there a better way?


Thanks in advance..

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Date Posted: 26-Feb-2014, at 5:14 PM EST
From: Ken Leach