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DBArtisan 8.7.6 connecting to Sybase 15.0.3  
News Group: embarcadero.public.dbartisan.general


I am using DBArtisan 8.7.6 connecting to Sybase ASE 15.0.3.

Most of the time, everything works fine. However, occassionally right-clicking on a stored procedure and trying to Extract the DDL generates the following error:

-- com.embarcadero.dbobject.generic.ObjectRuntimeException: Failed to create a connection. Url or driver class may be incorrect.

On other occasions, this operation does not produce the above error but generates a empty window instead of the DDL.

*Please note that the connection to the Server has been successfully made and the list of database objects (stored procedures in this case) show up correctly.*

_The only way to fix this problem as far as I know is to restart DBArtisan._

Please help.

Thanks in advance,


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Date Posted: 21-Feb-2014, at 12:30 PM EST
From: Anil Thakur