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DBArtisan error while connecting to Sybase  
News Group: embarcadero.public.dbartisan.general

I get the following error while trying to connect to sybase using DBArtisan XE. However, I can successfully connect using trial version of Rapid SQL 8.1.0 to the same server.

08:53:33.821	DBMS	SYBGEM1 -- Layer (1), Origin (1), Severity (1), Number (46) ct_bind(): user api layer: external error: An illegal value of 25 was placed in the datatype field of the CS_DATAFMT structure. (0B32EDD0)

I am using a windows XP machine with Sybase driver version 3.11
I am able to connect to the database using SQLAdvantage from the same machine. 
Any ideas?

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Date Posted: 8-Aug-2012, at 9:05 AM EST
From: Rajendra Grandhe
Re: DBArtisan error while connecting to Sybase  
News Group: embarcadero.public.dbartisan.general
> {quote:title=Rajendra Grandhe wrote:}{quote}
> I get the following error while trying to connect to sybase using DBArtisan XE. However, I can successfully connect using trial version of Rapid SQL 8.1.0 to the same server.
> 08:53:33.821	DBMS	SYBGEM1 -- Layer (1), Origin (1), Severity (1), Number (46) ct_bind(): user api layer: external error: An illegal value of 25 was placed in the datatype field of the CS_DATAFMT structure. (0B32EDD0)
> I am using a windows XP machine with Sybase driver version 3.11
> I am able to connect to the database using SQLAdvantage from the same machine. 
> Any ideas?

Hi Rajendra,

I had the same error connecting to Sybase with DBArtisan 8.7.3 when I had an older version of the Sybase Open Client (12) on my PC. When I installed Sybase Open Client 12.5 - the error went away.

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Date Posted: 10-Sep-2012, at 9:39 AM EST
From: Gavin Cruickshank