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Any way to control the committing of changes of an SQL updat  
News Group: embarcadero.public.dbartisan.general

Using DBArtisan 8.7.4 on DB2 LUW 9.7
RedHat Linux

Wanting to know 2 things.
1) is there a way to see DB2's SQLCA area within DBArtisan after an SQL command has been run
2) is there a way to control the committing (or "not" committing) of data after creating an SQL update in DBArtisan

Basically wanting to be able to see the SQLCA of an SQL update command to verify the number of rows being updated prior to committing the update.
This way, if I fat finger something, and the number of rows is greater/less than what I am expecting I can roll back the changes.

thank you,

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Date Posted: 25-Aug-2011, at 1:56 PM EST
From: Steve Shigeno