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TDBEdit Looses unicode characters  
News Group: embarcadero.public.delphi.database.dbexpress


I'm trying to migrate to delphi xe5, the main reason is to create unicode Apps. I'm having problems with showing  cyrillic - characters alongside latinic in TDBEdit, TDBMemo,.. controls. They are connected to a extended TClientDataSet, which can connect to a THttpRIO which gets and sets data from/to a webService which is connected to an Unicode DB2 Database.

The moment I edit the TDBEdit and it looses focus, all cyrillic characters turn to "??". Is there a setting on the dataset that prevents me from inputing unicode chars? I understand delphi XE5 is unicode..?

Any help on this matter would be deeply appreciated.


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Date Posted: 9-Apr-2014, at 8:04 AM EST
From: Rok Logonder