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Sending Text to Next Page in FastReport FMX  
News Group: embarcadero.public.delphi.reporting-charting


I've just purchased the Pro version of FastReport FMX and I'm trying to figure out how it works.

Right now I would like to solve the following problem.

In FastReport I have placed several lines of text in a Text Object whose WordWrap property is set to True and whose height stretches vertically according to the number of lines it contains. Please consider that the Text object is not linked to any database as it will only contain a list of items created on the fly that are not going to be saved anywhere. I would like to use FastReport just to be able to print out the multiline text on paper.

Now, my question is, how can you set up the report in such a way so as to create a new page automatically when the lines in the Text object exceed the vertical space available on the page? In other words, is it possible to generate new pages automatically if you only use a multiline Text object and no Data Band?

Thanks in advance.

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Date Posted: 8-Jul-2014, at 1:52 AM EST
From: Pasquale Esposito