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How to alternate row colors in dbgrid  
News Group: embarcadero.public.delphi.oodesign

Hi there People.

Is there any propertie in the newer dbgrid (delphi versions) to get automated alternate row colors?

I use to add a piece of code in the OnDrawColumnCell event to compare RecNo, if odd, I paints row with another color.

But it's very old.

Have delphi XE versions includes something to get the alternate row colors effect?

Or is there a new piece of code that doesn't use dbgrid.RecNo to compare if odd?

I saw in web few third party componets thas improve automated alternate row colors. 
Is it difficult to include in delphi? or Are included in XE?


I'll appreciate all information

Amadis from Entre Rios (Argentina)

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Date Posted: 27-May-2014, at 8:56 AM EST
From: Amadis F. Oertlinger