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Error creating window device context  
News Group: borland.public.delphi.nativeapi

I decided to test my application on Windows 9x after developing on Win2000.  I am now always recieving the error EOutOfResources.  However, it only occurs when changing the TCoolbar from vertical to horizontal position.  Plus, there is no way that all the handles could be used up (that I know of).  I traced the error to this function:

function TCoolBar.GetCaptionFontHeight: Integer;
  TxtMetric: TTextMetric;
  Result := 0;
  if HandleAllocated then
    with TControlCanvas.Create do
      Control := Self;
      Font := FCaptionFont;
      if (GetTextMetrics(Handle, TxtMetric)) then
        Result := TxtMetric.tmHeight;

and the error occurs on the creation of the TCanvas.  Does anyone have any idea why I would be getting this error when going from horizontal to vertical?  It doesn't seem like anyone else has had this just wondering...


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Date Posted: 25-Jun-2003, at 9:34 PM EST
From: Matt
Re: Error creating window device context  
News Group: borland.public.delphi.nativeapi
In article <3efa77c7$>, Matt wrote:
> I decided to test my application on Windows 9x after developing on Win2000.  
> I am now always recieving the error EOutOfResources.  However, it only 
>  occurs when changing the TCoolbar from vertical to horizontal position.  
>  Plus, there is no way that all the handles could be used up (that I know of).  

The error message is likely not quite correct. You will get that in some cases 
if an API call failed unexpectedly, even if it has nothing to do with resources.

> I traced the error to this function:
> function TCoolBar.GetCaptionFontHeight: Integer;
> var
>   TxtMetric: TTextMetric;
> begin
>   Result := 0;
>   if HandleAllocated then
>     with TControlCanvas.Create do
>     try
>       Control := Self;
>       Font := FCaptionFont;
>       if (GetTextMetrics(Handle, TxtMetric)) then

Is Handle <> 0 at this point? I suspect the error is raised in the getter for 
the TControlCanvas Handle property, since it fails to get a device context handle
for the coolbar for some reason. What that reason may be is anybodies guess...

Peter Below (TeamB)  
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Date Posted: 26-Jun-2003, at 11:51 AM EST
From: Peter Below (TeamB)
Re: Error creating window device context  
News Group: borland.public.delphi.nativeapi
Actually to be more exact the error occurs during the function call GetTextMetrics.

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Date Posted: 25-Jun-2003, at 9:43 PM EST
From: Matt