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Inline live templates?  
News Group: borland.public.delphi.ide.general

One of the many CodeRush templates that I'm trying to recreate in Delphi 
2007 using Live Templates is the ability to type "and" and have it expanded 
to "and (_)" where _ is the cursor position.

Now, this seemed like a simple template to create.  And it works if I just 
type "and" at then end of a line followed by the space key.  But it seems 
that Live Templates are not recognized within the middle of a line.  So if I 
have an existing line like this:

if (a>1) then

and I position the cursor before the word "then" and type "and" followed by 
a space, my template doesn't expand.  This might be a reason that I'll be 
forced to get Castalia, since I know it will expand templates in the middle 
of the line. But isn't there any way to make the built-in Delphi Live 
Templates work in the middle of the line? 

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Date Posted: 8-Jan-2008, at 4:12 PM EST
From: Zugg