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Using DwmEnableBlurBehindWindow to blur a specific region  
News Group: borland.public.delphi.nativeapi.win32


We have a logo on our app sitting on a toolbar on the top right of the 
screen.  I'd quite like to extend Vista's glass/blur effect into this area 
on the top right - for no particular reason, I just think it'd look cool. 
I'm using BDS2006 so there's no inbuilt glass support, so I'm doing this 
manually via the Vista APIs.  I've tried two different ways, but both have 

1.  Using DwmEnableBlurBehindWindow passing in a region which is located 
where the logo is (and painting that area with an alpha channel so Vista 
2.  Using DwmExtendFrameIntoClientArea, pulling the whole frame down by 20 
pixels or so (the height of the toolbar the logo is on)

The first works perfectly, except that the entire window area that /isn't/ 
in the specified region draws very oddly - black text is transparent; other 
areas with controls on are saturated almost to white or are drawn 
transparently but without blurring.  The way I interpret MSDN's doco on 
DwmEnableBlurBehindWindow using a region is that it only applies to the area 
within the specified region, so why is it affecting the drawing of other 
areas on screen?

The second again works well, except that the rest of the items on the 
toolbar draw with black text being transparent - though in this case this is 
what I'd expect.  I just thought I'd try it to see.

I would have expected the first method to work perfectly, and from reading 
the docs I don't understand why it isn't.  I've probably missed something 
obvious.  Can anyone point out what it is, please?  I'm eagerly awaiting the 
"doh" moment :)



PS:  btw, the code I'm using for the first method is something along the 
lines of:

  HRGN hRegion = ::CreateRectRgn(tbarLogo->Left, 0, tbarLogo->Width, 
  oBlurBehind.fEnable = TRUE;
  oBlurBehind.fTransitionOnMaximized = FALSE;
  oBlurBehind.hRgnBlur = hRegion;
  Dwm_EnableBlurBehindWindow(Handle, &oBlurBehind);

and as I said, this blurs behind tbarLogo but also oddly affects the rest of 
the window.

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Date Posted: 19-Dec-2007, at 11:12 AM EST
From: David M