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Visual MVC in Delphi?  
News Group: embarcadero.public.delphi.oodesign

Not much activity here so I thought I'd shake things up with a Visual MVC in Delphi question. Anyone?

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Date Posted: 10-Sep-2012, at 1:43 PM EST
From: > Rich
Re: Visual MVC in Delphi?  
News Group: embarcadero.public.delphi.oodesign
Le 10/09/12 18:43, Rich _ a écrit :

> Not much activity here so I thought I'd shake things up with a Visual
> MVC in Delphi question. Anyone?

Fire away.


Joanna Carter [Team OOAD]

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Date Posted: 10-Sep-2012, at 2:01 PM EST
From: Joanna Carter (Team OOAD)
Re: Visual MVC in Delphi?  
News Group: embarcadero.public.delphi.oodesign
> {quote:title=Joanna Carter (Team OOAD) wrote:}{quote}
> Fire away.

Well, that was the question... Visual MVC in Delphi? I don't want to narrow it down or else people may not have anything to say.

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Date Posted: 10-Sep-2012, at 2:51 PM EST
From: > Rich
Re: Visual MVC in Delphi?  
News Group: embarcadero.public.delphi.oodesign
Le 10/09/12 19:51, Rich _ a écrit :

> Well, that was the question... Visual MVC in Delphi? I don't want to
> narrow it down or else people may not have anything to say.

If I can create an MVP framework that works at both design-time and 
run-time, using C#, I see no reason why it would not work in Delphi.


Joanna Carter [Team OOAD]

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Date Posted: 10-Sep-2012, at 3:26 PM EST
From: Joanna Carter (Team OOAD)
Re: Visual MVC in Delphi?  
News Group: embarcadero.public.delphi.oodesign
> {quote:title=Joanna Carter (Team OOAD) wrote:}{quote}
> If I can create an MVP framework that works at both design-time and 
> run-time, using C#, I see no reason why it would not work in Delphi.

So, what you're saying is Delphi is so powerful you don't even need to test it? You're confident that what you can do in other tools can easily be done in Delphi.

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Date Posted: 10-Sep-2012, at 4:23 PM EST
From: > Rich
Re: Visual MVC in Delphi?  
News Group: embarcadero.public.delphi.oodesign
Le 10/09/12 21:23, Rich _ a écrit :

> So, what you're saying is Delphi is so powerful you don't even need
> to test it? You're confident that what you can do in other tools can
> easily be done in Delphi.

It doesn't take a particularly powerful language to develop an MVC 


Joanna Carter [Team OOAD]

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Date Posted: 10-Sep-2012, at 5:38 PM EST
From: Joanna Carter (Team OOAD)
Re: Visual MVC in Delphi?  
News Group: embarcadero.public.delphi.oodesign
Le 14/09/12 03:14, Edmund Wong a écrit :

> Joanna!  You're back!  Woot!

I was only banned for a week :-)

> But, I must add, it takes (for lack of a better word) talent to
> understand the MVC framework.  (I really don't know how this
> is coming across in written form.)

Hopefully, my explanations here try to be comprehensible.

If not, you only have to ask more questions :-)


Joanna Carter [Team OOAD]

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Date Posted: 14-Sep-2012, at 2:27 AM EST
From: Joanna Carter (Team OOAD)
Re: Visual MVC in Delphi?  
News Group: embarcadero.public.delphi.oodesign
Le 15/09/12 05:22, Edmund Wong a écrit :

> Can you point out what environment is conducive in learning MVP?
> RAD Studio, afaiui, isn't a good deal to allow me to understand
> MVP (as I understand it).  Java?  *gulp* C#? C++?

As others have pointed out, MVC is just as valid in RAD environments as 
it would be for non-RAD.

The difference with Delphi has been that it did not support direct 
binding to properties of objects but, now, with live bindings, it should 
be easier.


Joanna Carter [Team OOAD]

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Date Posted: 15-Sep-2012, at 4:47 AM EST
From: Joanna Carter (Team OOAD)
Re: Visual MVC in Delphi?  
News Group: embarcadero.public.delphi.oodesign
> {quote:title=Cesar Romero wrote:}{quote}
> Im working in 2 new projects using ASP .NET MVC4 right now.

Cesar, what benefits do you find you get from using MVC?

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Date Posted: 14-Sep-2012, at 12:48 PM EST
From: > Rich
Re: Visual MVC in Delphi?  
News Group: embarcadero.public.delphi.oodesign
> {quote:title=Cesar Romero wrote:}{quote}
> The main advantages of MVC are:

I'm wondering which, if any, of those you are seeing in your work? In other words are you actually getting the benefits that are listed?

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Date Posted: 14-Sep-2012, at 1:08 PM EST
From: > Rich