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From: Christopher Burke  
Subject: Doc/Lit Mode WSDL Imports into Delphi 2007
NewsGroup: borland.public.delphi.webservices.wsdl
Date Posted: 29-Aug-2007 at 12:35:50 PST
I am having no worries getting RPC mode WSDL bindings working within 
Delphi, however I cannot get any Doc/Lit mode ones to import correctly.

Does anyone have a sample WSDL which uses Doc mode which works properly ?


An example of the output:

Base2MessagePort = interface(IInvokable)

// Cannot unwrap:
//  - Input message has more than one part <--- I know what this means
//  - The output part is not a complex type
function  doCreateMsg(....): Reference; stdcall;

// Cannot unwrap:
//  - Input element wrapper name does not match operation's name
procedure doSendMessage(const Reference: Reference); stdcall;

// Cannot unwrap:
//     - Input element wrapper name does not match operation's name
//     - More than one strictly out element was found
function  doGetMessage(const Reference: Reference): MyMsg; stdcall;

// Cannot unwrap:
//     - Input part does not refer to an element
//     - More than one strictly out element was found
function  doGetConv(const Reference: ReferenceType): MyMsg; stdcall;

// Cannot unwrap:
//     - Input part does not refer to an element
function  doGetConvList(const MyId: WideString): MyList; stdcall;

From: Christopher Burke  
Subject: Re: Doc/Lit Mode WSDL Imports into Delphi 2007
NewsGroup: borland.public.delphi.webservices.wsdl
Date Posted: 6-Sep-2007 at 10:16:10 PST
Jean-Marie Babet wrote:
> Let me know if you're running into a case where the importer is failing to
> unwrap a wrapped doc|lit correctly.

Thanks for the response... I most certainly am having problems (third 
solid week of trying to get this to work), however your link is 
hopefully a godsend... I'll get back after I see how it goes.


From: Jean-Marie Babet  
Subject: Re: Doc/Lit Mode WSDL Imports into Delphi 2007
NewsGroup: borland.public.delphi.webservices.wsdl
Date Posted: 5-Sep-2007 at 15:55:14 PST
Hello Christopher,

I don't know if this issue is resolved is not. The warnings generated by the
importer are mostly based on what's expected of a wrapped document literal
service. These are listed at the following URL:

For cases where there are multiple out parameters you can poass the -Om+
option to the importer (allow multiple out). However, that's not common.

Let me know if you're running into a case where the importer is failing to
unwrap a wrapped doc|lit correctly.

