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Howt to extract string property values from DFM files Turn on/off line numbers in source code. Switch to Orginial background IDE or DSP color Comment or reply to this aritlce/tip for discussion. Bookmark this article to my favorite article(s). Print this article
Object Pascal-Strings
Delphi 2.x
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DSP, Administrator
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			Author: Lou Adler

Does anybody know the name of the routine used in the IDE that enables control 
characters embedded into a string to be recognised. For example the characters 
'Line 1'#13#10'Line 2' are recognised by the compiler as a single string literal. 
I'd like to build a similar facility into an application. Is a single routine used 
for this or is it embedded somewhere in the parser of the compiler?


I'm pretty sure that the compiler uses an internal routine for this which is not 
accessible to us mere mortals. Perhaps you can extract something useful from the 
unit below. I wrote it to extract string property values from DFM files. It is a 
work in progress, so if you want to use it for the same purpose be aware that you 
may have DFMs it will not be able to digest without modifications.

1   unit DFMParser;
3   interface
5   uses
6     classes, sysutils;
8   type
9     TBaseParser = class
10    private
11      FText: string;
12      FCurrent, FAnchor: Integer;
13      FToken: string;
14    protected
15      procedure Error(const S: string); overload;
16      procedure Error(const fmt: string; const A: array of const); overload;
17      procedure DropAnchor;
18      procedure NextToken;
19      procedure NextChar;
20      procedure SkipWhitespace;
21      procedure SkipToEol;
22      procedure SkipTo(ch: Char);
23      procedure SkipToString(const S: string);
24      function EndOfText: Boolean;
25      function IsTokenChar: Boolean;
26      function IsWhiteSpace: Boolean;
27      function CurrentChar: Char;
28      function LastWord: string;
29      function ParseEncodedChar: Char;
30      function ParseQuotedString: string;
31      function ParseStringValue: string;
32    public
33      procedure Parse; virtual; abstract;
34      constructor Create(const S: string); virtual;
35      property Token: string read FToken;
36    end;
38    TParsePropertyEvent = procedure(const aComponentName, aPropertyName,
39      aPropertyValue: string) of object;
41    TDFMParser = class(TBaseParser)
42    private
43      FParsePropertyEvent: TParsePropertyEvent;
44    protected
45      procedure ParseComponent;
46      procedure ParseProperty(const componentName: string);
47      procedure ParsePropertyString(const componentName, propertyName: string);
48      function TokenIsObject: Boolean;
49      function IsEndToken: Boolean;
50      procedure DoPropertyEvent(const componentName, propertyname, propvalue: string);
51    public
52      procedure Parse; override;
53      property OnParseProperty: TParsePropertyEvent read FParsePropertyEvent
54        write FParsePropertyEvent;
55    end;
57    EDFMParserError = class(Exception);
59    TTranslationItemEvent = procedure(const name, value: string) of object;
61    TTranslationParser = class(TBaseParser)
62    private
63      FTranslationItemEvent: TTranslationItemEvent;
64      procedure ParseStringConstant;
65      procedure SkipWhitespaceAndComments;
66      procedure DoTranslationItem(const name, value: string);
67    public
68      constructor Create(const S: string); override;
69      procedure Parse; override;
70      property OnTranslationItem: TTranslationItemEvent read FTranslationItemEvent
71        write FTranslationItemEvent;
72    end;
74  implementation
76  uses
77    charsets;
79  const
80    quote = '''';
82  constructor TBaseParser.Create(const S: string);
83  begin
84    FText := S;
85    FCurrent := 1;
86  end;
88  function TBaseParser.CurrentChar: Char;
89  begin
90    result := FText[FCurrent];
91  end;
93  procedure TBaseParser.DropAnchor;
94  begin
95    FAnchor := FCurrent;
96  end;
98  function TBaseParser.EndOfText: Boolean;
99  begin
100   result := FCurrent > Length(FText);
101 end;
103 procedure TBaseParser.Error(const S: string);
104 begin
105   raise EPArserError.Create(S);
106 end;
108 procedure TBaseParser.Error(const fmt: string; const A: array of const);
109 begin
110   Error(Format(fmt, A));
111 end;
113 function TBaseParser.IsTokenChar: Boolean;
114 begin
115   result := (Currentchar in Charsets.IdentifierChars) or (CurrentChar = '.');
116 end;
118 function TBaseParser.IsWhiteSpace: Boolean;
119 begin
120   result := Currentchar in [#1..#32];
121 end;
123 function TBaseParser.LastWord: string;
124 begin
125   Assert(FAnchor <= FCurrent);
126   result := Copy(FText, FAnchor, FCurrent - FAnchor);
127 end;
129 procedure TBaseParser.NextChar;
130 begin
131   Inc(FCurrent);
132   if EndOfText then
133     Error('Unexpected end of text');
134 end;
136 procedure TBaseParser.NextToken;
137 begin
138   SkipWhitespace;
139   DropAnchor;
140   while not EndOfText and IsTokenChar do
141     Inc(FCurrent);
142   FToken := LastWord;
143 end;
145 procedure TBaseParser.SkipTo(ch: Char);
146 begin
147   while not EndOfText and (Currentchar <> ch) do
148     NextChar;
149   Inc(FCurrent);
150 end;
152 procedure TBaseParser.SkipToString(const S: string);
153 var
154   P: PChar;
155 begin
156   p := StrPos(@FText[FCurrent], Pchar(S));
157   if Assigned(p) then
158     FCurrent := p - PChar(FText) + 1 + Length(S)
159   else
160     Error('Expected string "%s" not found', [s]);
161 end;
163 procedure TBaseParser.SkipToEol;
164 begin
165   while not EndOfText and (FText[FCurrent] <> #10) do
166     Inc(FCurrent);
167 end;
169 procedure TBaseParser.SkipWhitespace;
170 begin
171   while not EndOfText and IsWhiteSpace do
172     Inc(FCurrent);
173 end;
175 function TBaseParser.ParseQuotedString: string;
176 begin
177   Assert(CurrentChar = quote);
178   Result := '';
179   repeat
180     NextChar; {skip leading quote}
181     DropAnchor;
182     while CurrentChar <> quote do
183       NextChar;
184     Result := Result + LastWord;
185     NextChar;
186     if CurrentChar = quote then
187       Result := Result + quote; {literal quote}
188   until
189     CurrentChar <> quote;
190   SkipWhitespace;
191 end;
193 function TBaseParser.ParseEncodedChar: Char;
194 var
195   allowed: Charsets.TCharset;
196   n: Integer;
197 begin
198   Assert(CurrentChar = '#');
199   NextChar;
200   DropAnchor;
201   if CurrentChar = '$' then
202   begin
203     allowed := CHarsets.HexNumerals;
204     NextChar;
205   end
206   else
207     allowed := Charsets.IntegerChars;
208   while CurrentChar in allowed do
209     NextChar;
210   n := StrToInt(LastWord);
211   if n > High(Byte) then
212     Error('Encountered UNICODE character in string, cannot handle that.');
213   Result := Char(n);
214 end;
216 function TBaseParser.ParseStringValue: string;
217 begin
218   Result := '';
219   while True do
220     case CurrentChar of
221       quote:
222         Result := Result + ParseQuotedString;
223       '#':
224         Result := Result + ParseEncodedChar;
225       '+':
226         begin
227           NextChar;
228           SkipWhitespace;
229         end;
230     else
231       Break;
232     end;
233 end;
235 { TDFMParser }
237 procedure TDFMParser.DoPropertyEvent(const componentName, propertyname, propvalue:
238   string);
239 begin
240   if Assigned(FParsePropertyEvent) then
241     FParsePropertyEvent(componentName, propertyname, propvalue);
242 end;
244 function TDFMParser.IsEndToken: Boolean;
245 begin
246   result := Token = 'end';
247 end;
249 procedure TDFMParser.Parse;
250 begin
251   while not EndOfText do
252   begin
253     ParseComponent;
254     SkipWhitespace;
255   end;
256 end;
258 procedure TDFMParser.ParseComponent;
259 var
260   componentName: string;
261 begin
262   if FToken = '' then
263     NextToken;
264   if not TokenIsObject then
265     Error('Expected: inherited or object, found : %s', [Token]);
266   NextToken;
267   componentName := Token;
268   SkipToEol;
269   repeat
270     NextToken;
271     if TokenIsObject then
272       ParseComponent
273     else if not IsEndToken then
274       ParseProperty(componentName);
275   until
276     IsEndToken or EndOfText;
277   if IsEndToken then
278     FToken := '';
279 end;
281 procedure TDFMParser.ParseProperty(const componentName: string);
282 var
283   propname: string;
284 begin
285   propname := Token;
286   SkipWhitespace;
287   if CurrentChar <> '=' then
288     Error('Expected: =, found %s', [Currentchar]);
289   NextChar;
290   SkipWhitespace;
291   case CurrentChar of
292     '{':
293       SkipTo('}');
294     '(':
295       SkipTo(')');
296     '[':
297       SkipTo(']');
298     quote, '#':
299       ParsePropertyString(componentName, propname);
300   else
301     SkipToEol
302   end;
303 end;
305 procedure TDFMParser.ParsePropertyString(const componentName, propertyName: string);
306 var
307   propvalue: string;
308 begin
309   propvalue := ParseStringValue;
310   if propvalue <> '' then
311     DoPropertyEvent(componentName, propertyname, propvalue);
312 end;
314 function TDFMParser.TokenIsObject: Boolean;
315 begin
316   Result := (Token = 'inherited') or (Token = 'object')
317 end;
319 { TTranslationParser }
321 constructor TTranslationParser.Create(const S: string);
322 const
323   resStr = 'resourcestring';
324 var
325   lS: string;
326   resourceStringPos: Integer;
327   n1, n2: Integer;
328 begin
329   {Isolate the resourcestring section. We expect only one}
330   lS := LowerCase(S);
331   resourceStringPos := Pos(resStr, lS);
332   if resourceStringPos = 0 then
333     inherited Create('')
334   else
335   begin
336     {look for an $ifdef german}
337     n1 := Pos('{$ifdef german', lS);
338     if n1 > 0 then
339     begin
340       {look for the following $else}
341       Delete(lS, 1, n1 - 1);
342       n2 := Pos('{$else}', lS);
343       if n2 = 0 then
344         Error('Malformed $IFDEF...$ELSE encountered, $ELSE not found');
345       Delete(lS, 1, n2 - 1);
346       Inc(n1, n2 - 1);
347       {look for the $ENDIF}
348       n2 := Pos('{$endif}', lS);
349       if n2 = 0 then
350         Error('Malformed $IFDEF...$ENDIF encountered, $ENDIF not found');
351       inherited Create(Copy(S, n1, n2 - 1));
352     end
353     else
354     begin
355       {look for an $ifndef german}
356       n1 := Pos('{$ifndef german', lS);
357       if n1 = 0 then
358         inherited Create('')
359       else
360       begin
361         {in the $ifndef german construct the resourcestring keyword often comes 
362 after the $ifndef.}
363         if n1 < resourceStringPos then
364           n1 := resourceStringPos + Length(resstr);
365         Delete(lS, 1, n1 - 1);
366         {look for the $ENDIF}
367         n2 := Pos('{$endif}', lS);
368         if n2 = 0 then
369           Error('Malformed $IFDEF...$ENDIF encountered, $ENDIF not found');
370         inherited Create(Copy(S, n1, n2 - 1));
371       end;
372     end;
373   end;
374 end;
376 procedure TTranslationParser.DoTranslationItem(const name, value: string);
377 begin
378   if Assigned(FTranslationItemEvent) then
379     FTranslationItemEvent(name, value);
380 end;
382 procedure TTranslationParser.Parse;
383 begin
384   while not EndOfText do
385   begin
386     ParseStringConstant;
387     SkipWhitespace;
388   end;
389 end;
391 procedure TTranslationParser.ParseStringConstant;
392 var
393   name, value: string;
394 begin
395   SkipWhitespaceAndComments;
396   if EndOfText then
397     Exit;
398   NextToken;
399   name := Token;
400   SkipWhitespaceAndComments;
401   if EndOfText then
402     Exit;
403   if CurrentChar <> '=' then
404     Error('Expected: =, found "%s"', [CurrentChar]);
405   NextChar;
406   SkipWhitespaceAndComments;
407   if EndOfText then
408     Exit;
409   value := ParseStringValue;
410   SkipWhiteSpace;
411   if not EndOfText and (CurrentChar = ';') then
412     NextChar;
413   DoTranslationItem(name, value);
414 end;
416 procedure TTranslationParser.SkipWhitespaceAndComments;
417 begin
418   while True do
419   begin
420     SkipWhitespace;
421     if not EndOfText then
422     begin
423       case CurrentChar of
424         '/':
425           SkipToEol; { single line comment }
426         '{':
427           SkipTo('}'); { comment }
428         '(':
429           begin
430             NextChar;
431             if CurrentChar = '*' then
432               SkipToString('*)')
433             else
434               Error('Expected: comment or indentifier, found: "(%s"', 
435 [CurrentChar]);
436           end;
437       else
438         Break
439       end;
440     end
441     else
442       Break;
443   end;
444 end;
446 end.
448 unit Charsets;
450 interface
452 type
453   TCharSet = set of AnsiChar;
454 const
455   Signs: TCharset = ['-', '+'];
456   Numerals: TCharset = ['0'..'9'];
457   HexNumerals: TCharset = ['A'..'F', 'a'..'f', '0'..'9'];
458   IntegerChars: TCharset = ['0'..'9', '-', '+'];
459   IdentifierChars: TCharset = ['a'..'z', 'A'..'Z', '0'..'9', '_'];
460 var
461   Digits, Letters, LowerCaseLetters, UpperCaseLetters: TCharSet;
462   FloatChars, SciFloatChars: TCharset;
463   AlphaNum, NonAlphaNum: TCharset;
465   { Need to call this again when locale changes.  }
466 procedure SetupCharsets;
468 implementation
470 uses
471   Windows, Sysutils;
473 var
474   locale: DWORD = 0;
476 procedure SetupCharsets;
477 var
478   ch: AnsiChar;
479 begin
480   if locale = GetThreadLocale then
481     Exit
482   else
483     Locale := GetThreadLocale;
484   LowerCaseLetters := [];
485   UpperCaseLetters := [];
486   AlphaNum := [];
487   NonAlphaNum := [];
488   Digits := Numerals;
489   for ch := Low(ch) to High(ch) do
490   begin
491     if IsCharAlpha(ch) then
492       if IsCharUpper(ch) then
493         Include(UpperCaseLetters, ch)
494       else
495         Include(LowerCaseLetters, ch);
496     if IsCharAlphanumeric(ch) then
497       Include(AlphaNum, ch)
498     else
499       Include(NonAlphaNum, ch);
500   end;
501   Letters := LowerCaseLetters + UpperCaseLetters;
502   FloatChars := IntegerChars;
503   Include(FloatChars, DecimalSeparator);
504   SciFloatChars := FloatChars + ['e', 'E'];
505 end;
507 initialization
508   SetupCharsets;
509 end.

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