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How to Reduce Source Code Complexity in your application Turn on/off line numbers in source code. Switch to Orginial background IDE or DSP color Comment or reply to this aritlce/tip for discussion. Bookmark this article to my favorite article(s). Print this article
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DSP, Administrator
Reference URL:
			Author: William Egge

Have you ever written an application where things have to know when things happen, 
such as when an object gets freed then you need to update some UI screen or remove 
some depency. Or in the case of a paint program where when a mode change requires a 
cursor change, buttons to enable or disable or push down... if something gets 
deleted then you have to do this and that etc... I have a solution that will keep 
your code clean of linking code.


There are times when you write an application that turns into a linking nightmare 
when your system needs to react to certain conditions.  Examples are Mode changing 
in a paint program requires cursor changes, an object being updated needs to update 
some UI element or disable and enable controls, when an object gets freed you need 
to remove dependencies.  In other words there are side effects that you need to 
happen as a result of something changing in your application. Coding these side 
effects can produce some nasty code that is like a big spider web. 

The solution to the problem is to use a "Message Center". I have created a easy to 
use MessageCenter class that uses the built in messaging capablity already built 
into TObject.  Source code is at the end of this artical. 

1. Concept of the message center 

The concept is simple, you have a central "hub" that receives maybe all actions 
that happen in your program.  Certain parts of your program need to change when 
these events happen.  Instead of hard coding these "reactions" into your code, you 
send the message of the event to the message center in a record structure.  
Anything that needs to react or change based on the event is registered with and 
notified by the MessageCenter. 

2. Example Implementation 

This app is an image editor where you can have multiple images opened at once. 
Each Image is opened in a Form class of TForm_ImageEdit. 
A graphical list of buttons are listed at the top of the main form, there is one 
button per opened image and a picture of the image is drawn on the surface of the 
button.  Users can click the button and active the form for that image. 

The rule of the system is 
A button should be added when a new form is added. 
The button should remove when the form is removed. 
The button should push down when the editor form becomes active. 

First define the MessageID and the record for the message. 

1   const
2     MID_ImageEdit = 14936;
4   type
5     TMID_ImageEdit = packed record
6       MessageID: Cardinal; // This is required field for Dispatching
7       Action: (aDestroyed, aActivated);
8       ImageEdit: TForm_ImageEdit;
9     end;
11  then within the TForm_ImageEdit Broadcast the messages... 
13  procedure TForm_ImageEdit.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
14  var
15    M: TMID_ImageEdit;
16  begin
17    with M do
18    begin
19      M.MessageID := MID_ImageEdit;
20      M.Action := aClosed;
21      M.ImageEdit := Self;
22    end;
23    GetMessageCenter.BroadcastMessage(Self, M);
24  end;
26  procedure TForm_ImageEdit.FormActivate(Sender: TObject);
27  var
28    M: TMID_ImageEdit;
29  begin
30    with M do
31    begin
32      M.MessageID := MID_ImageEdit;
33      M.Action := aActivated;
34      M.ImageEdit := Self;
35    end;
36    GetMessageCenter.BroadcastMessage(Self, M);
37  end;
39  Now to edit the main form 
41  {At some point in your main form when you create the Image Editor, add this code 
42  after creation: }
44  F := TForm_ImageEdit.Create(Self);
45  // Listen to messages
46  GetMessageCenter.AttachListner(Self, F);
48  // Next few lines will add the button for the new form at the top of the main 
49  window.
50  {.
51  .
52  . }

This way the Main form will receive messages from the ImageEditor window. 

So now Add this MessageHandler to your main form: 
Create this method to receive messages of type MID_IMageEdit: 

procedure ImageEditorWindowChanged(var Msg: TMID_ImageEdit); message MID_ImageEdit;

And implement it in this way 
54  procedure TForm_NMLDA.ImageEditorWindowChanged(var Msg: TMID_ImageEdit);
55  begin
56    case Msg.Action of
57      aDestroyed:
58        begin
59          ImageEditorClosed(Msg.ImageEdit);
60          GetMessageCenter.DetachListner(Self, Msg.ImageEdit);
61        end;
62      aActivated: EditorFocused(Msg.ImageEdit);
63    end;
64  end;

ImageEditorClosed method will remove the button from the main form EditorFocused 
will push down the button associated with the ImageEditor. 

Thats all, you have low coupling and you may attach as many listners as you like. 

This concept has a lot of potential and it will make your complex apps very simple 
and maintainable. 

Here is the code: 

65  unit MessageCenter;
66  {
67    William Egge
68    Created Feb - 28, 2002
69    You can modify this code however you wish and use it in commercial apps.  But
70      it would be cool if you told me if you decided to use this code in an app.
72    The goal is to provide an easy way to handle notifications between objects
73    in your system without messy coding.  The goal was to keep coding to a minimum
74    to accomplish this. That is why I chose to use Delphi's built in
75    Message dispatching.
76    This unit/class is intended to be a central spot for messages to get dispatched,
77      every object in the system can use the global GetMessageCenter function.
78    You may also create your own isolated MessageCenter by creating your own
79      instance of TMessageCenter.. for example if you had a large subsystem and
80      you feel it would be more effecient to have its own message center.
82    The goal is to capture messages from certain "Source" objects.
84    Doc:
85      procedure BroadcastMessage(MessageSource: TObject; var Message);
86        The message "Message" will be sent to all objects who called AttachListner
87        for the MessageSource.
88        If no objects have ever called AttachListner then nothing will happen and
89        the code will not blow up :-).  Notice that there is no registration for
90        a MessageSource, this is because the MessageSource registration happens
91        automatically when a listner registers itself for a sender.
92        (keeping external code simpler)
94      procedure AttachListner(Listner, MessageSource: TObject);
95        This simply tells the MessageCenter that you want to receive messages from
96        MessageSource.
98      procedure DetachListner(Listner, MessageSource: TObject);
99        This removes the Listner so it does not receive messages from MessageSource.
101   Technique for usage with interfaces:
102     If your program is interface based then its not possible to pass a
103     MessageSource but it IS possible to pass an object listner if it is being
104     done from within the object wanting to "listen" (using "self").
105     To solve the problem of not being able to pass a MessageSource, you can
106     add 2 methods to your Sender interface definition,
107     AttachListner(Listner: TObject) and DetachListner(Listner: TObject).
108     Internally within those methods your interfaced object can call the
109     MessageCenter and pass its object pointer "Self".
111   Info:
112     Performance and speed were #1 so...
114     MessageSources are sorted and are searched using a binary search so that
115     a higher number of MessageSources should not really effect runtime performance.
116     The only performance penalty for this is on adding a new MessageSource because
117     it has to do an insert rather than an add, this causes all memory to be shifted
118     to make room for the new element.  The benifit is fast message dispatching.
120     There is no check for duplicate MesssageListners per Sender, this would have
121     slowed things down and this coding is usefull only when you have bugs.  And
122     hoping you prevent bugs, you do not have to pay for this penalty when your
123     code has no bugs.
124 }
126 interface
127 uses
128   Classes, SysUtils;
130 type
131   TMessageCenter = class
132   private
133     FSenders: TList;
134     FBroadcastBuffers: TList;
135     function FindSenderList(Sender: TObject; var Index: Integer): TList;
136   public
137     constructor Create;
138     destructor Destroy; override;
139     procedure BroadcastMessage(MessageSource: TObject; var message);
140     procedure AttachListner(Listner, MessageSource: TObject);
141     procedure DetachListner(Listner, MessageSource: TObject);
142   end;
144   // Shared for the entire application
145 function GetMessageCenter: TMessageCenter;
147 implementation
148 var
149   GMessageCenter: TMessageCenter;
150   ShuttingDown: Boolean = False;
152 function GetMessageCenter: TMessageCenter;
153 begin
154   if GMessageCenter = nil then
155   begin
156     if ShuttingDown then
157       raise
158         Exception.Create('Shutting down, do not call GetMessageCenter during 
159 shutdown.'
160     GMessageCenter := TMessageCenter.Create;
161   end;
163   Result := GMessageCenter;
164 end;
166 { TMessageCenter }
168 procedure TMessageCenter.AttachListner(Listner, MessageSource: TObject);
169 var
170   L: TList;
171   Index: Integer;
172 begin
173   L := FindSenderList(MessageSource, Index);
174   if L = nil then
175   begin
176     L := TList.Create;
177     L.Add(MessageSource);
178     L.Add(Listner);
179     FSenders.Insert(Index, L);
180   end
181   else
182     L.Add(Listner);
183 end;
185 procedure TMessageCenter.BroadcastMessage(MessageSource: TObject; var message);
186 var
187   L, Buffer: TList;
188   I: Integer;
189   Index: Integer;
190   Obj: TObject;
191 begin
192   L := FindSenderList(MessageSource, Index);
193   if L <> nil then
194   begin
195     // Use a buffer because objects may detach or add during the broadcast
196     // Broadcast can be recursive.  Only broadcast to objects that existed
197     // before the broadcast and not new added ones.  But do not broadcast to
198     // objects that are deleted during a broadcast.
199     Buffer := TList.Create;
200     try
201       FBroadcastBuffers.Add(Buffer);
202       try
203         for I := 0 to L.Count - 1 do
204           Buffer.Add(L[I]);
206         // skip 1st element because it is the MessageSender
207         for I := 1 to Buffer.Count - 1 do
208         begin
209           Obj := Buffer[I];
210           // Check for nil because items in the buffer are set to nil when they are 
211 removed
212           if Obj <> nil then
213             Obj.Dispatch(message);
214         end;
215       finally
216         FBroadcastBuffers.Delete(FBroadcastBuffers.Count - 1);
217       end;
218     finally
219       Buffer.Free;
220     end;
221   end;
222 end;
224 constructor TMessageCenter.Create;
225 begin
226   inherited;
227   FSenders := TList.Create;
228   FBroadcastBuffers := TList.Create;
229 end;
231 destructor TMessageCenter.Destroy;
232 var
233   I: Integer;
234 begin
235   for I := 0 to FSenders.Count - 1 do
236     TList(FSenders[I]).Free;
237   FSenders.Free;
238   FBroadcastBuffers.Free;
239   inherited;
240 end;
242 procedure TMessageCenter.DetachListner(Listner, MessageSource: TObject);
243 var
244   L: TList;
245   I, J: Integer;
246   Index: Integer;
247 begin
248   L := FindSenderList(MessageSource, Index);
249   if L <> nil then
250   begin
251     for I := L.Count - 1 downto 1 do
252       if L[I] = Listner then
253         L.Delete(I);
255     if L.Count = 1 then
256     begin
257       FSenders.Remove(L);
258       L.Free;
259     end;
261     // Remove from Broadcast buffers
262     for I := 0 to FBroadcastBuffers.Count - 1 do
263     begin
264       L := FBroadcastBuffers[I];
265       if L[0] = MessageSource then
266         for J := 1 to L.Count - 1 do
267           if L[J] = Listner then
268             L[J] := nil;
269     end;
270   end;
271 end;
273 function TMessageCenter.FindSenderList(Sender: TObject;
274   var Index: Integer): TList;
275   function ComparePointers(P1, P2: Pointer): Integer;
276   begin
277     if LongWord(P1) < LongWord(P2) then
278       Result := -1
279     else if LongWord(P1) > LongWord(P2) then
280       Result := 1
281     else
282       Result := 0;
283   end;
284 var
285   L, H, I, C: Integer;
286 begin
287   Result := nil;
288   L := 0;
289   H := FSenders.Count - 1;
290   while L <= H do
291   begin
292     I := (L + H) shr 1;
293     C := ComparePointers(TList(FSenders[I])[0], Sender);
294     if C < 0 then
295       L := I + 1
296     else
297     begin
298       H := I - 1;
299       if C = 0 then
300       begin
301         Result := FSenders[I];
302         L := I;
303       end;
304     end;
305   end;
306   Index := L;
307 end;
309 initialization
310 finalization
311   ShuttingDown := True;
312   FreeAndNil(GMessageCenter);
314 end.

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