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How to delete a complete folder Turn on/off line numbers in source code. Switch to Orginial background IDE or DSP color Comment or reply to this aritlce/tip for discussion. Bookmark this article to my favorite article(s). Print this article
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			Author: Jonas Bilinkevicius

How to delete a complete folder


Solve 1:

I use this code to delete all files in a folder and/ or the folder itself:
2   function DeleteFolder(FolderName: string; LeaveFolder: Boolean): Boolean;
3   var
4     r: TshFileOpStruct;
5   begin
6     Result := False;
7     if not DirectoryExists(FolderName) then
8       Exit;
9     if LeaveFolder then
10      FolderName := FolderName + ' *.* '
11    else if FolderName[Length(FolderName)] = ' \ ' then
12      Delete(FolderName, Length(FolderName), 1);
13    FillChar(r, SizeOf(r), 0);
14    r.wFunc := FO_DELETE;
15    r.pFrom := PChar(FolderName);
17    Result := ((ShFileOperation(r) = 0) and (not r.fAnyOperationsAborted));
18  end;

Solve 2:

19  uses
20    ShellAPI;
22  function DeleteDir(const Directory: string);
23  var
24    FileOp: TSHFileOpStruct;
25  begin
26    FileOp.Wnd := Application.Handle;
27    FileOp.wFunc := FO_DELETE;
28    FileOp.pFrom := PChar(Directory + #0);
30    Result := SHFileOperation(FileOp) = 0;
31  end;

Add FOF_SILENT to fFlags if you don't want a dialog.

Solve 3:

The following will send a directory to the recycle bin:
33  procedure ToRecycle(AHandle: THandle; const ADirName: string);
34  var
35    SHFileOpStruct: TSHFileOpStruct;
36    DirName: PChar;
37    BufferSize: Cardinal;
38  begin
39    BufferSize := Length(ADirName) + 1 + 1;
40    GetMem(DirName, BufferSize);
41    try
42      FillChar(DirName^, BufferSize, 0);
43      StrCopy(DirName, PChar(ADirName));
44      with SHFileOpStruct do
45      begin
46        Wnd := AHandle;
47        wFunc := FO_DELETE;
48        pFrom := DirName;
49        pTo := nil;
50        fFlags := FOF_ALLOWUNDO;
51        fAnyOperationsAborted := False;
52        hNameMappings := nil;
53        lpszProgressTitle := nil;
54      end;
55      if SHFileOperation(SHFileOpStruct) <> 0 then
56        RaiseLastWin32Error;
57    finally
58      FreeMem(DirName, BufferSize);
59    end;
60  end;

Solve 4:

61  procedure DeleteDir(aDir: string);
62  {delete directory & everything in it}
63  var
64    T: TSHFileOpStruct;
65  begin
66    Fillchar(T, SizeOf(T), #0);
67    with T do
68    begin
69      Wnd := 0; {no handle -> no animation}
70      wFunc := FO_DELETE;
71      pFrom := pchar(aDir + #0#0);
72      fFlags := FOF_SILENT or FOF_NOCONFIRMATION; {just do it}
73    end;
74    Application.ProcessMessages;
75    if (SHFileOperation(T) <> 0) then
76      RemoveDir(aDir);
77  end;

Solve 5:

The command-line program DELTREE.EXE that comes with Windows removes a directory 
with all its files and subdirectories. To mimic this behaviour in Delphi we can use 
the following procedure that uses the FindFirst, FindNext and FindClose functions 
to perform the file and directory search: 

78  uses FileCtrl;
80  procedure DelTree(const Directory: TFileName);
81  var
82    DrivesPathsBuff: array[0..1024] of char;
83    DrivesPaths: string;
84    len: longword;
85    ShortPath: array[0..MAX_PATH] of char;
86    dir: TFileName;
87    procedure rDelTree(const Directory: TFileName);
88      // Recursively deletes all files and directories
89      // inside the directory passed as parameter.
90    var
91      SearchRec: TSearchRec;
92      Attributes: LongWord;
93      ShortName, FullName: TFileName;
94      pname: pchar;
95    begin
96      if FindFirst(Directory + '*', faAnyFile and not faVolumeID,
97        SearchRec) = 0 then
98      begin
99        try
100         repeat // Processes all files and directories
101           if SearchRec.FindData.cAlternateFileName[0] = #0 then
102             ShortName := SearchRec.Name
103           else
104             ShortName := SearchRec.FindData.cAlternateFileName;
105           FullName := Directory + ShortName;
106           if (SearchRec.Attr and faDirectory) <> 0 then
107           begin
108             // It's a directory
109             if (ShortName <> '.') and (ShortName <> '..') then
110               rDelTree(FullName + '\');
111           end
112           else
113           begin
114             // It's a file
115             pname := PChar(FullName);
116             Attributes := GetFileAttributes(pname);
117             if Attributes = $FFFFFFFF then
118               raise EInOutError.Create(SysErrorMessage(GetLastError));
119             if (Attributes and FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY) <> 0 then
120               SetFileAttributes(pname, Attributes and not
121                 FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY);
122             if Windows.DeleteFile(pname) = False then
123               raise EInOutError.Create(SysErrorMessage(GetLastError));
124           end;
125         until FindNext(SearchRec) <> 0;
126       except
127         FindClose(SearchRec);
128         raise;
129       end;
130       FindClose(SearchRec);
131     end;
132     if Pos(#0 + Directory + #0, DrivesPaths) = 0 then
133     begin
134       // if not a root directory, remove it
135       pname := PChar(Directory);
136       Attributes := GetFileAttributes(pname);
137       if Attributes = $FFFFFFFF then
138         raise EInOutError.Create(SysErrorMessage(GetLastError));
139       if (Attributes and FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY) <> 0 then
140         SetFileAttributes(pname, Attributes and not
142       if Windows.RemoveDirectory(pname) = False then
143       begin
144         raise EInOutError.Create(SysErrorMessage(GetLastError));
145       end;
146     end;
147   end;
148   // ----------------
149 begin
150   DrivesPathsBuff[0] := #0;
151   len := GetLogicalDriveStrings(1022, @DrivesPathsBuff[1]);
152   if len = 0 then
153     raise EInOutError.Create(SysErrorMessage(GetLastError));
154   SetString(DrivesPaths, DrivesPathsBuff, len + 1);
155   DrivesPaths := Uppercase(DrivesPaths);
156   len := GetShortPathName(PChar(Directory), ShortPath, MAX_PATH);
157   if len = 0 then
158     raise EInOutError.Create(SysErrorMessage(GetLastError));
159   SetString(dir, ShortPath, len);
160   dir := Uppercase(dir);
161   rDelTree(IncludeTrailingBackslash(dir));
162 end;

Sample calls 

This code will remove the directory C:\TEMP\A123: 


And this code will wipe out the diskette in drive A: 

DelTree('A:'); // or DelTree('A:\');

WARNING: The procedure DelTree presented here erases files and directories, and 
they might not be recoverable later. It is provided in the belief that it is 
useful, but you use it at our own risk. 

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