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How to find the size of a given directory Turn on/off line numbers in source code. Switch to Orginial background IDE or DSP color Comment or reply to this aritlce/tip for discussion. Bookmark this article to my favorite article(s). Print this article
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DSP, Administrator
Reference URL:
			Author: Jonas Bilinkevicius

I'm looking for a way to find the size of any given directory and all the files in 
that directory. I know when you look at the properties of a given directory you get 
the size, date, number of sub- directories, etc. That is the information that I'm 
looking for.


Solve 1:

1   unit DirectorySize;
3   interface
5   uses
6     Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
7     Dialogs, StdCtrls;
9   type
10    TFrmDirectorySize = class(TForm)
11      Button1: TButton;
12      Memo1: TMemo;
13      CbxFilesToo: TCheckBox;
14      Memo2: TMemo;
15      procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
16      procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
17    private
18    public
19    end;
21  var
22    FrmDirectorySize: TFrmDirectorySize;
24  implementation
26  {$R *.DFM}
28  uses
29    FileCtrl;
31  function FormatNumber(ANumber: double): string;
32  var
33    p: integer;
34  begin
35    Result := Format('%n', [ANumber]);
36    p := Pos(DecimalSeparator, Result);
37    if p > 0 then
38      Result := Copy(Result, 1, p - 1);
39  end;
41  function GetDirectorySize(APath: string; AList: TStrings; AFilesToo: boolean):
42    longint;
43  const
44    indent: string = '';
45  var
46    curItem: integer;
47    dirSize: longint;
48    kb: double;
49    searchRec: SysUtils.TSearchRec;
50    tmpS: string;
51  begin
52    if AFilesToo and (indent <> EmptyStr) then
53      AList.Add(EmptyStr);
54    curItem := AList.Add(indent + APath);
55    Result := 0;
56    if APath[Length(APath)] <> '\' then
57      APath := APath + '\';
58    if FindFirst(APath + '*.*', faDirectory, searchRec) = 0 then
59      repeat
60        {Assure that it's a normal file}
61        with searchRec do
62        begin
63          if Name[1] <> '.' then
64            if (Attr and faDirectory > 0) then
65            begin
66              indent := indent + '  ';
67              dirSize := GetDirectorySize(APath + Name + '\', AList, AFilesToo);
68              Delete(indent, 1, 2);
69              Result := Result + dirSize;
70            end
71            else
72            begin
73              Result := Result + searchRec.Size;
74              if AFilesToo then
75              begin
76                {Memo2.Clear; Memo2.Lines.Add(Name);}
77                AList.Add(indent + '  ' + Name + ' [' + FormatNumber(searchRec.Size) +
78                  ']');
79              end;
80            end;
81        end;
82        Application.ProcessMessages;
83      until FindNext(searchRec) <> 0;
84    SysUtils.FindClose(searchRec);
85    kb := Result / 1024.0;
86    tmpS := ' (' + Format('%nk', [kb]) + ')';
87    AList[curItem] := AList[curItem] + ' [' + FormatNumber(Result) + tmpS + ']';
88  end;
90  procedure TFrmDirectorySize.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
91  var
92    directory: string;
93  begin
94    Memo1.Clear;
95    Button1.Enabled := false;
96    Cursor := crHourglass;
97    Memo1.Lines.BeginUpdate;
98    try
99      Application.ProcessMessages;
100     if SelectDirectory('Select A Directory', '', directory) then
101     begin
102       Caption := Directory;
103       GetDirectorySize(directory, Memo1.Lines, CbxFilesToo.Checked);
104     end;
105   finally
106     Cursor := crDefault;
107     Button1.Enabled := true;
108     Memo1.Lines.EndUpdate;
109   end;
110 end;
112 procedure TFrmDirectorySize.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
113 begin
114   Memo2.Clear;
115   Icon.Assign(Application.Icon);
116 end;
118 end.

Solve 2:

119 uses
120   Windows
122 function CalcFolderSize(aRootPath: string): Int64;
124   procedure Traverse(const aFolder: string);
125   var
126     Data: TWin32FindData;
127     FileHandle: THandle;
128   begin
129     FileHandle := FindFirstFile(PCHAR(aFolder + '*'), Data);
130     if FileHandle <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then
131     try
132       repeat
133         if (Data.dwFileAttributes and FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY > 0)
134           and (Data.cFileName[0] <> '.') then
135           Traverse(aFolder + Data.cFilename + '\')
136         else
137           Inc(Result, (Data.nFileSizeHigh * MAXDWORD) + Data.nFileSizeLow);
138       until
139         not FindNextFile(FileHandle, Data);
140     finally
141       Windows.FindClose(FileHandle);
142     end;
143   end;
145 begin
146   Result := 0;
147   if aRootPath[Length(aRootPath)] <> '\' then
148     aRootPath := aRootPath + '\';
149   Traverse(aRootPath);
150 end;

Solve 3:

Most the examples of this I've seen return a 4-byte integer. That's mostly ok for 
file sizes, but a sum of file size can more easily exceed the 4Gb limit. This 
example uses and 8-byte (signed) integer:
152 function DirectorySize(const sPath: TFileName): Int64;
153 var
154   rFind: TSearchRec;
155   iSize: Int64;
156 begin
157   Result := 0;
158   if SysUtils.FindFirst(IncludeTrailingBackslash(sPath) + '*', faAnyFile, rFind) = 0
159     then
160   begin
161     try
162       repeat
163         if rFind.Name <> StringOfChar('.', Length(rFind.Name)) then
164         begin
165           if (rFind.Attr and faDirectory) = faDirectory then
166             Result := Result + DirectorySize(IncludeTrailingBackslash(sPath) +
167               rFind.Name)
168           else
169           begin
170             iSize := (Int64(rFind.FindData.nFileSizeHigh)shl32) or
171               rFind.FindData.nFileSizeLow;
172             Result := Result + iSize;
173           end;
174         end;
175       until
176         SysUtils.FindNext(rFind) <> 0;
177     finally
178       SysUtils.FindClose(rFind);
179     end;
180   end;
181 end;

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