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How to append formatted text to an existing formatted text in a TRichEdit compon Turn on/off line numbers in source code. Switch to Orginial background IDE or DSP color Comment or reply to this aritlce/tip for discussion. Bookmark this article to my favorite article(s). Print this article
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DSP, Administrator
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			Author: Jonas Bilinkevicius

How to append formatted text to an existing formatted text in a TRichEdit component


Project needs 3 TButtons, 1 TMemo, 1 TRichEdit, 1 TColorDialog, 1 TFontDialog, Uses 
2   type
3     TEditStreamCallBack = function(dwCookie: Longint; pbBuff: PByte; cb: Longint;
4       var pcb: Longint): DWORD; stdcall;
5     TEditStream = record
6       dwCookie: Longint;
7       dwError: Longint;
8       pfnCallback: TEditStreamCallBack;
9     end;
11  function EditStreamInCallback(dwCookie: Longint; pbBuff: PByte; cb: Longint;
12    var pcb: Longint): DWORD; stdcall;
13  var
14    theStream: TStream;
15    dataAvail: LongInt;
16  begin
17    theStream := TStream(dwCookie);
18    with theStream do
19    begin
20      dataAvail := Size - Position;
21      Result := 0; {assume everything is ok}
22      if dataAvail <= cb then
23      begin
24        pcb := read(pbBuff^, dataAvail);
25        if pcb <> dataAvail then {couldn't read req. amount of bytes}
26          result := E_FAIL;
27      end
28      else
29      begin
30        pcb := read(pbBuff^, cb);
31        if pcb <> cb then
32          result := E_FAIL;
33      end;
34    end;
35  end;
37  function EditStreamOutCallback(dwCookie: Longint; pbBuff: PByte; cb: Longint;
38    var pcb: Longint): DWORD; stdcall;
39  var
40    theStream: TStream;
41  begin
42    theStream := TStream(dwCookie);
43    with theStream do
44    begin
45      if cb > 0 then
46        pcb := write(pbBuff^, cb);
47      Result := 0;
48    end;
49  end;
51  procedure GetRTFSelection(aRichEdit: TRichEdit; intoStream: TStream);
52  var
53    editstream: TEditStream;
54  begin
55    with editstream do
56    begin
57      dwCookie := Longint(intoStream);
58      dwError := 0;
59      pfnCallback := EditStreamOutCallBack;
60    end;
61    aRichedit.Perform(EM_STREAMOUT, SF_RTF or SFF_SELECTION, longint(@editstream));
62  end;
64  procedure PutRTFSelection(aRichEdit: TRichEdit; sourceStream: TStream);
65  var
66    editstream: TEditStream;
67  begin
68    with editstream do
69    begin
70      dwCookie := Longint(sourceStream);
71      dwError := 0;
72      pfnCallback := EditStreamInCallBack;
73    end;
74    aRichedit.Perform(EM_STREAMIN, SF_RTF or SFF_SELECTION, longint(@editstream));
75  end;
77  procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
78  var
79    aMemStream: TMemoryStream;
80  begin
81    aMemStream := TMemoryStream.Create;
82    try
83      GetRTFSelection(richedit1, aMemStream);
84      aMemStream.Position := 0;
85      memo1.Lines.LoadFromStream(aMemStream);
86    finally
87      aMemStream.Free;
88    end;
89  end;
91  procedure TForm1.Button3Click(Sender: TObject);
92  var
93    aMemStream: TMemoryStream;
94  begin
95    aMemStream := TMemoryStream.Create;
96    try
97      memo1.Lines.SaveToStream(aMemStream);
98      aMemStream.Position := 0;
99      PutRTFSelection(richedit1, aMemStream);
100   finally
101     aMemStream.Free;
102   end;
103 end;
105 procedure TForm1.RichEdit1KeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: 
106 TShiftState);
107 begin
108   if [ssCtrl] = Shift then
109     case Key of
110       Ord('B'): with (Sender as TRichEdit).SelAttributes do
111           if fsBold in Style then
112             Style := Style - [fsBold]
113           else
114             Style := Style + [fsBold];
115       Ord('U'): with (Sender as TRichEdit).SelAttributes do
116           if fsUnderline in Style then
117             Style := Style - [fsUnderline]
118           else
119             Style := Style + [fsUnderline];
120       Ord('I'): with (Sender as TRichEdit).SelAttributes do
121           if fsItalic in Style then
122             Style := Style - [fsItalic]
123           else
124             Style := Style + [fsItalic];
125       Ord('T'): if ColorDialog1.Execute then
126           (Sender as TRichEdit).SelAttributes.Color := ColorDialog1.Color;
127       Ord('F'): if FontDialog1.Execute then
128           (Sender as TRichEdit).SelAttributes.Assign(FontDialog1.Font);
129     end;
130 end;
132 procedure TForm1.RichEdit1KeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char);
133 begin
134   {Ctrl-I yields a #9 character, a Tab. We have to swallow that.}
135   if (Key = #9) and (GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) < 0) then
136     Key := #0;
137 end;

You now have a simple rich text editor and can type some formatted text into the rich edit. Select some of it and click button2. The selection is fetched and copied as RTF text into the memo. Put the caret somewhere in the rich edit and click button3. The RTF text from the memo is inserted at the selection into the rich edit. To combine several snippets of RTF text into one block one would have to remove the trailing } from block 1, the leading {\rtf1 from block 2 and copy both together into a new block. You can test that with a little cut and paste on the memo before you hit button3.

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