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How to find a string in a file Turn on/off line numbers in source code. Switch to Orginial background IDE or DSP color Comment or reply to this aritlce/tip for discussion. Bookmark this article to my favorite article(s). Print this article
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DSP, Administrator
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			Author: Tomas Rutkauskas

I have an array of char called FBuffer1. Let's say: StrCopy(FBuffer1,'Test'). I 
also have a file, let's say File1.exe. I would like to find a very quick way to be 
able to localize the string "test" in the file1.exe


Solve 1:

One way is to remove the file access problems. Load the whole file into a 
TMemoryStream, then search the stream. Example:

1   { ... }
2   var
3     tmem: TMemoryStream;
4     buf: array[1..4] of Char;
5   begin
6     zeromemory(@buf, 4);
7     tmem := TMemoryStream.Create;
8     tmem.loadfromfile('test1.exe');
9     tmem.position := 0;
10    while tmem.position <> tmem.size do
11    begin
12      buf[1] := buf[2];
13      buf[2] := buf[3];
14      buf[3] := buf[4];
15[4], 1);
16      if compare(buf, 'hello') then
17        Memo1.Lines.Add('match found at position ' + Inttostr(tmem.position));
18    end;
19    tmem.destroy;
20  end;

Solve 2:

I was working on just that some time ago. Here is my project file with some 
alternative functions and a time test. Just paste the following listing into a text 
file, rename the file to Project1.dpr, open the file in Delphi and run it.

23  program Project1;
25  uses
26    Windows, SysUtils;
28  function ScanString(SourceStart, SourceEnd, Search: PChar; CaseSensitive: Boolean): 
29  PChar;
30  var
31    SourcePtr: PChar;
32    SourceChr: Char;
33    SearchPos: DWord;
34    SearchPtr: PChar;
35  begin
36    Result := nil;
37    if SourceStart > SourceEnd then
38      Exit;
39    if not CaseSensitive then
40      CharUpperBuff(Search, Length(Search));
41    SourcePtr := SourceStart;
42    SearchPos := 0;
43    SearchPtr := Search;
44    while SourcePtr <= SourceEnd do
45    begin
46      SourceChr := SourcePtr^;
47      if not CaseSensitive then
48        CharUpperBuff(@SourceChr, 1);
49      if SourceChr = SearchPtr^ then
50      begin
51        Inc(SearchPtr);
52        if SearchPtr^ = #0 then
53        begin
54          Result := SourcePtr - SearchPos;
55          Break;
56        end;
57        Inc(SearchPos);
58      end
59      else if SearchPos > 0 then
60      begin
61        SearchPos := 0;
62        SearchPtr := Search;
63      end;
64      Inc(SourcePtr);
65    end;
66  end;
68  function ScanStringNew(SourceStart, SourceEnd, SearchStr: PChar;
69    CaseSensitive: Boolean): PChar;
70  var
71    SourcePtr: PChar;
72    ScanLen: DWord;
73    ScanPos: DWord;
74    ScanStr: PChar;
75    ScanPtr: PChar;
76    ScanUppStr: PChar;
77    ScanUppPtr: PChar;
78    ScanLowStr: PChar;
79    ScanLowPtr: PChar;
80  begin
81    Result := nil;
82    if SourceStart > SourceEnd then
83      Exit;
84    ScanLen := Length(SearchStr);
85    if not CaseSensitive then
86    begin
87      GetMem(ScanUppStr, ScanLen);
88      CopyMemory(ScanUppStr, SearchStr, ScanLen);
89      CharUpperBuff(ScanUppStr, ScanLen);
90      GetMem(ScanLowStr, ScanLen);
91      CopyMemory(ScanLowStr, SearchStr, ScanLen);
92      CharLowerBuff(ScanLowStr, ScanLen);
93    end
94    else
95    begin
96      ScanUppStr := SearchStr;
97      ScanLowStr := SearchStr;
98    end;
99    ScanPos := 0;
100   ScanUppPtr := ScanUppStr;
101   ScanLowPtr := ScanLowStr;
102   SourcePtr := SourceStart;
103   ScanPtr := ScanStr;
104   while SourcePtr <= SourceEnd do
105   begin
106     if (SourcePtr^ = ScanUppPtr^) or (SourcePtr^ = ScanLowPtr^) then
107     begin
108       Inc(ScanPos);
109       if ScanPos = ScanLen then
110       begin
111         Result := SourcePtr - ScanPos + 1;
112         Break;
113       end;
114       Inc(ScanUppPtr);
115       Inc(ScanLowPtr);
116     end
117     else if ScanPos > 0 then
118     begin
119       ScanPos := 0;
120       ScanUppPtr := ScanUppStr;
121       ScanLowPtr := ScanLowStr;
122     end;
123     Inc(SourcePtr);
124   end;
125   if not CaseSensitive then
126   begin
127     FreeMem(ScanUppStr, ScanLen);
128     FreeMem(ScanLowStr, ScanLen);
129   end;
130 end;
133 function ScanStringAsm(SourceStart, SourceEnd, SearchStr: PChar;
134   CaseSensitive: Boolean): PChar;
135 var
136   ScanLen: DWord;
137   ScanPos: DWord;
138   ScanStr: PChar;
139   ScanPtr: PChar;
140   ScanUppStr: PChar;
141   ScanUppPtr: PChar;
142   ScanLowStr: PChar;
143   ScanLowPtr: PChar;
144 begin
145   if SourceStart > SourceEnd then
146     Exit;
147   ScanLen := Length(SearchStr);
148   if not CaseSensitive then
149   begin
150     GetMem(ScanUppStr, ScanLen);
151     CopyMemory(ScanUppStr, SearchStr, ScanLen);
152     CharUpperBuff(ScanUppStr, ScanLen);
153     GetMem(ScanLowStr, ScanLen);
154     CopyMemory(ScanLowStr, SearchStr, ScanLen);
155     CharLowerBuff(ScanLowStr, ScanLen);
156   end
157   else
158   begin
159     ScanUppStr := SearchStr;
160     ScanLowStr := SearchStr;
161   end;
162   GetMem(ScanStr, ScanLen * 2 + 2);
163   ScanPos := ScanLen;
164   ScanPtr := ScanStr;
165   ScanUppPtr := ScanUppStr;
166   ScanLowPtr := ScanLowStr;
167   while ScanPos > 0 do
168   begin
169     ScanPtr^ := ScanUppPtr^;
170     Inc(ScanPtr);
171     Inc(ScanUppPtr);
172     ScanPtr^ := ScanLowPtr^;
173     Inc(ScanPtr);
174     Inc(ScanLowPtr);
175     Dec(ScanPos);
176   end;
177   ScanPtr^ := #0;
179   asm
180       {Register use:
181       EDI - pointer to source char
182       ESI - pointer to par of scan chars
183       AL - current source char
184       EBX - match length counter
185       ECX - source length counter
186       DX - current par of scan chars}
188   end;
192  if not CaseSensitive then
193  begin
194  FreeMem(ScanUppStr, ScanLen);
197  FreeMem(ScanLowStr, ScanLen);
198  end;
201  FreeMem(ScanStr, ScanLen * 2 + 2);
203 end;
206 end;
208 if not CaseSensitive then
209 begin
210   FreeMem(ScanUppStr, ScanLen);
212   FreeMem(ScanLowStr, ScanLen);
214 end;
216 FreeMem(ScanStr, ScanLen * 2 + 2);
218 end;
221 {Preserve registers:}
222 PUSH EBX {Preserve registers EBX, EDI, ESI:}
225 {Initialize registers:}
226 MOV EDI, SourceStart {Move addr SourceStart to EDI}
227 MOV ECX, SourceEnd {Calculate source length in ECX:}
230 MOV ESI, ScanStr {Move addr ScanStr to ESI}
231 MOV DX, WORD[ESI] {Move first par of scan chars to DX}
232 xor EBX, EBX {Set EBX (match counter) to 0}
233 @01: {Main test loop:}
234 MOV AL, BYTE[EDI] {Move current source char to AL}
235 INC EDI {Inc EDI to point to next source char}
236 CMP AL, DL {Compare AL with scan char in DL (uppcase)}
237 JE@10 {Jump to @10 if equal (match)}
238 CMP AL, DH {Compare AL with scan char in DH (lowcase)}
239 JE@10 {Jump to @10 if equal (match)}
240 TEST EBX, EBX {Test EBX (match counter)}
241 JZ@02 {Jump to @02 if zero (i.e. first scan char)}
242 SUB ESI, EBX {Move ESI back to start of scan string:}
244 MOV DX, WORD[ESI] {Move first par of scan chars to DX}
245 xor EBX, EBX {Set EBX to 0}
246 @02: {Next loop:}
247 DEC ECX {Dec ECX (source length counter)}
248 JNZ@01 {Jump back to @01 if not zero}
249 MOV Result, 0 {Move nil to Result (match not found)}
250 JMP@99 {Jump to @99}
251 @10: {Char match found:}
252 INC EBX {Inc EBX (match length counter):}
253 ADD ESI, 2 {Move ESI to next par of scan chars:}
254 MOV DX, WORD[ESI] {Move this par of scan chars to DX}
255 CMP DL, 0 {Compare char in DL with #0 (end of string)}
256 JNE@02 {Jump to @02 if not equal (test next char)}
257 {Match found:}
258 SUB EDI, EBX {Move EDI back to first char in match}
259 MOV Result, EDI {Move addr of match to Result}
260 @99: {Restore registers:}
264 end;
266 if not CaseSensitive then
267 begin
268   FreeMem(ScanUppStr, ScanLen);
269   FreeMem(ScanLowStr, ScanLen);
270 end;
271 FreeMem(ScanStr, ScanLen * 2 + 2);
272 end;
275 procedure TimeTest2;
276 var
277   Time1: DWord;
278   Time2: DWord;
279   Search: string;
280   TestName: string;
281   TestFile: file;
282   TestSize: DWord;
283   TestBuff: PChar;
284   TestScan: PChar;
285   TestPtr: PChar;
286   TestPos: Integer;
287   HitCount: Integer;
288   n, i, j: Integer;
289   c: Char;
290   Show: Boolean;
291 begin
292   n := 20;
293   Show := false;
294   Search := 'WINDOWS';
296   {TestBuff := PChar(Search);
297   TestScan := TestBuff;
298   c := TestScan^;
299   Time1 := GetTickCount;
300   for i := 1 to 10000000 do
301   begin
302     if TestBuff^ = c then
303     begin
304     end;
305   end;
306   Time2 := GetTickCount;
307   WriteLn('Tickcount : ', Time2 - Time1);
308   Exit;}
310   TestName := 'c:\windows\help\getstart.chm';
311   AssignFile(TestFile, TestName);
312   Reset(TestFile, 1);
313   TestSize := FileSize(TestFile);
314   GetMem(TestBuff, TestSize);
315   BlockRead(TestFile, TestBuff^, TestSize);
316   CloseFile(TestFile);
318   WriteLn;
319   WriteLn('Scaning for "', Search, '"  ', n, ' times');
320   WriteLn('in file: ', TestName, '  size: ', TestSize, ' bytes');
322   HitCount := 0;
323   Time1 := GetTickCount;
324   for i := 1 to n do
325   begin
326     TestScan := TestBuff;
327     repeat
328       if TestScan <> TestBuff then
329         Inc(TestScan, Length(Search));
330       TestScan := ScanString(TestScan, TestBuff + TestSize - 1, PChar(Search), 
331 false);
332       if TestScan <> nil then
333       begin
334         Inc(HitCount);
335         if Show then
336         begin
337           write(HitCount, '  ');
338           TestPtr := TestScan;
339           for TestPos := 1 to Length(Search) do
340           begin
341             write(TestPtr^);
342             Inc(TestPtr);
343           end;
344           WriteLn;
345           ReadLn;
346         end;
347       end;
348     until TestScan = nil;
349   end;
350   Time2 := GetTickCount;
351   WriteLn('  Tickcount ScanString   : ', Time2 - Time1: 5, 'ms', '  hitcount:', 
352 HitCount);
353   HitCount := 0;
354   Time1 := GetTickCount;
355   for i := 1 to n do
356   begin
357     TestScan := TestBuff;
358     repeat
359       if TestScan <> TestBuff then
360         Inc(TestScan, Length(Search));
361       TestScan := ScanStringNew(TestScan, TestBuff + TestSize - 1, PChar(Search), 
362 false);
363       if TestScan <> nil then
364       begin
365         Inc(HitCount);
366         if Show then
367         begin
368           write(HitCount, '  ');
369           TestPtr := TestScan;
370           for TestPos := 1 to Length(Search) do
371           begin
372             write(TestPtr^);
373             Inc(TestPtr);
374           end;
375           WriteLn;
376           ReadLn;
377         end;
378       end;
379     until TestScan = nil;
380   end;
381   Time2 := GetTickCount;
382   WriteLn('  Tickcount ScanStringNew: ', Time2 - Time1: 5, 'ms', '  hitcount:', 
383 HitCount);
384   HitCount := 0;
385   Time1 := GetTickCount;
386   for i := 1 to n do
387   begin
388     TestScan := TestBuff;
389     repeat
390       if TestScan <> TestBuff then
391         Inc(TestScan, Length(Search));
392       TestScan := ScanStringAsm(TestScan, TestBuff + TestSize - 1, PChar(Search), 
393 false);
394       if TestScan <> nil then
395       begin
396         Inc(HitCount);
397         if Show then
398         begin
399           write(HitCount, '  ');
400           TestPtr := TestScan;
401           for TestPos := 1 to Length(Search) do
402           begin
403             write(TestPtr^);
404             Inc(TestPtr);
405           end;
406           WriteLn;
407           ReadLn;
408         end;
409       end;
410     until TestScan = nil;
411   end;
412   Time2 := GetTickCount;
413   WriteLn('  Tickcount ScanStringAsm: ', Time2 - Time1: 5, 'ms', '  hitcount:', 
414 HitCount);
415   FreeMem(TestBuff, TestSize);
416 end;
418 begin
419   TimeTest2;
420   WriteLn;
421   WriteLn('** press enter to close **');
422   ReadLn;
423 end.

Solve 3:
425 function ScanFile(const filename: string; const forString: string; caseSensitive: 
426 Boolean): LongInt;
427 { returns position of string in file or -1, if not found }
428 const
429   BufferSize = $8001; { 32K + 1 bytes }
430 var
431   pBuf, pEnd, pScan, pPos: Pchar;
432   filesize: LongInt;
433   bytesRemaining: LongInt;
434   bytesToRead: Integer;
435   F: file;
436   SearchFor: Pchar;
437   oldMode: Word;
438 begin
439   Result := -1; { assume failure }
440   if (Length(forString) = 0) or (Length(filename) = 0) then
441     Exit;
442   SearchFor := nil;
443   pBuf := nil;
444   { open file as binary, 1 byte recordsize }
445   AssignFile(F, filename);
446   oldMode := FileMode;
447   FileMode := 0; { read-only access }
448   Reset(F, 1);
449   FileMode := oldMode;
450   try { allocate memory for buffer and pchar search string }
451     SearchFor := StrAlloc(Length(forString) + 1);
452     StrPCopy(SearchFor, forString);
453     if not caseSensitive then { convert to upper case }
454       AnsiUpper(SearchFor);
455     GetMem(pBuf, BufferSize);
456     filesize := System.Filesize(F);
457     bytesRemaining := filesize;
458     pPos := nil;
459     while bytesRemaining > 0 do
460     begin
461       { calc how many bytes to read this round }
462       if bytesRemaining >= BufferSize then
463         bytesToRead := Pred(BufferSize)
464       else
465         bytesToRead := bytesRemaining;
466       { read a buffer full and zero-terminate the buffer }
467       BlockRead(F, pBuf^, bytesToRead, bytesToRead);
468       pEnd := @pBuf[bytesToRead];
469       pEnd^ := #0;
470       { scan the buffer. Problem: buffer may contain #0 chars! So we treat it as
471       a concatenation of zero-terminated strings. }
472       pScan := pBuf;
473       while pScan < pEnd do
474       begin
475         if not caseSensitive then { convert to upper case }
476           AnsiUpper(pScan);
477         pPos := StrPos(pScan, SearchFor); { search for substring }
478         if pPos <> nil then
479         begin { Found it! }
480           Result := FileSize - bytesRemaining + LongInt(pPos) - LongInt(pBuf);
481           Break;
482         end;
483         pScan := StrEnd(pScan);
484         Inc(pScan);
485       end;
486       if pPos <> nil then
487         Break;
488       bytesRemaining := bytesRemaining - bytesToRead;
489       if bytesRemaining > 0 then
490       begin
491         { no luck in this buffers load. We need to handle the case of the search
492         string spanning two chunks of file now. We simply go back a bit in the file
493         and read from there, thus inspecting some characters twice }
494         Seek(F, FilePos(F) - Length(forString));
495         bytesRemaining := bytesRemaining + Length(forString);
496       end;
497     end;
498   finally
499     CloseFile(F);
500     if SearchFor <> nil then
501       StrDispose(SearchFor);
502     if pBuf <> nil then
503       FreeMem(pBuf, BufferSize);
504   end;
505 end;

Solve 4:

One option is to just read the entire file into a single string. The old-fashioned 
way is to use BlockRead. You could also use a file stream. Once you have it in a 
single string you can use any normal string operations, even if there are embedded 
null bytes or CR/LF's.
507 procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
508 var
509   s: string;
510   f: file;
511   p: integer;
512 begin
513   AssignFile(f, 'c:\winnt\system32\mspaint.exe');
514   FileMode := 0;
515   Reset(f, 1);
516   SetLength(s, FileSize(f));
517   BlockRead(f, s[1], FileSize(f));
518   CloseFile(f);
519   p := pos('This program cannot be run in DOS mode', s);
520   Label1.Caption := 'Found at : ' + IntToStr(p);
521 end;

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