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How to include files inside a Delphi unit as binaries Turn on/off line numbers in source code. Switch to Orginial background IDE or DSP color Comment or reply to this aritlce/tip for discussion. Bookmark this article to my favorite article(s). Print this article
Universal embedding of files in Delphi units 24-May-05
Delphi 3.x
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Kleiner, Max
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Max Kleiner
			This article attempts to explain how to include files inside a Delphi unit / 
application as different kinds of binaries and how to manage them without the 
resource technology. 

The app is called the Hexer. 

Put your files into your delphi project at design time and then just compile it to 
get all into one or more units. 

First you have to convert the file in a delphi unit by the Hexer. Then you call it 
from your own app which embedds the unit. 
You can even store waves or pictures and play it without the need to create a file, 
play it from memory. 
2   if not PlaySound(@UtopiaWinstarten_wav, 0, SND_MEMORY + SND_SYNC) 
4   {It is possible to embed any kind of file (also executables) in an executable using 
5   the Hexer. First example is a picture: }
7   procedure TForm1.btnPicloadClick(Sender: TObject); 
8   var mybitmap: TBitmap; 
9       bitStream: TStream; 
10  begin 
11    //mybitmap.LoadFromFile('dws_logo.bmp'); for the mortals 
12    mybitmap:= TBitmap.Create; 
13    bitStream:= TMemoryStream.Create; 
14    try 
15      bitStream.Writebuffer(dws_logo_bmp, sizeof(dws_logo_bmp)); 
16      bitStream.Position:= 0; 
17      mybitmap.LoadFromStream(bitStream); 
18      if assigned(mybitmap) then begin 
19        image1.Picture.assign(mybitmap); 
20        image1.update; 
21      end; 
22    finally 
23      bitStream.Free; 
24      mybitmap.Free; 
25    end; 
26  end; 
28  //Second example is an executable: 
30  procedure TForm1.btnApploadClick(Sender: TObject); 
31  var mybitmap: TBitmap; 
32      bitStream: TMemoryStream; 
33  begin 
34    mybitmap:= TBitmap.Create; 
35    bitStream:= TMemoryStream.Create; 
36    try 
37      bitStream.Writebuffer(viergewinnt_exe, sizeof(viergewinnt_exe)); 
38      bitStream.Position:= 0; 
39      bitstream.LoadFromStream(bitstream); 
40      bitstream.SaveToFile('vierg.exe'); 
41      WinExec(pchar('vierg.exe'){ + ' ' + ParamStr},SW_NORMAL); 
42    finally 
43      bitStream.Free; 
44      mybitmap.Free; 
45    end; 
46  end; 
48  //Third example is a zip file or like ASPack works too:
50  //hexer2_zip is the name of the bytearray in the unit 
51  bitStream:= TMemoryStream.Create; 
52    try 
53      bitStream.Writebuffer(hexer2_zip, sizeof(hexer2_zip)); 
54      bitStream.Position:= 0; 
55      bitstream.LoadFromStream(bitstream); 
56      bitstream.SaveToFile(''); 
57      case shellapi.shellExecute(0,'open', pchar(''),'',nil, 
58                                  SW_SHOWNORMAL) of 
59           0: showmessage('out of memory or resources'); 
60           ERROR_BAD_FORMAT: showmessage('file is invalid in'); 
61           ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND: showmessage('file was not found'); 
62           ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND: showmessage('path was not found'); 
63      end; 
64    finally 
65      bitStream.Free; 
66    end;
68  -------------------------------------------------------------------- 
69  {How does the Hexer works? 
70  the Hexer is generally an executable which converts the file into a unit. You 
71  choose the name of the file to be converted and the name of the resulting unit.}
73  MainForm2.TForm1.btnConvertClick (97i) 
74    MainForm2.TForm1.ConvertToUnit (103i) 
75      MainForm2.WriteString (108i) 
76      MainForm2.EmbedFile (117i) 
77        MainForm2.WriteString (108i) 
79  {We open with createFile() the unit for write down the file in the unit. The 
80  CreateFile function creates or opens objects and returns a handle that can be 
81  used to access the object.} 
83    f_hndoutput:= CreateFile(PChar(ChangeFileExt(edtUnitToCreate.Text, 
84                    '.pas')), GENERIC_WRITE, 0, nil, CREATE_ALWAYS, 
85                                          FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0); 
87  {Then we call EmbedFile which opens the file to be write down in the unit. The 
88  WriteFile function writes data to a file and is designed for both synchronous 
89  and asynchronous operation. The function starts writing data to the file at 
90  the position indicated by the file pointer. }
92  BOOL WriteFile( 
93      HANDLE hFile,                   // handle to file to write to 
94      LPCVOID lpBuffer,               // pointer to data to write to file 
95      DWORD nNumberOfBytesToWrite,    // number of bytes to write 
96      LPDWORD lpNumberOfBytesWritten, // pointer to bytes written 
97      LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped ); 
99  {After the write operation has been completed, the file pointer is adjusted by the 
100 number of bytes actually written. }
102     f_hndopen:= CreateFile(PChar(filename),  GENERIC_WRITE + 
103                 GENERIC_READ, 0, nil, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0); 
105 //Each time the file pointer is adjusted we write a block of 
107     abuf: array[0..19] of byte; 
108     Result:= ReadFile(f_hndopen, abuf, sizeof(abuf), BytesRead, nil);       
109              if bytesRead > 0 then begin .....
111 //At least our generated unit looks like 
113 unit dws_logo2; 
115 interface 
117 const 
118    dws_logo_bmp: array[0..21717] of byte = ( 
119 $42,$4D,$D6,$54,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$76,$00,$00,$00,$28,$00,$00,$00,$F0,$00, 
120 $00,$00,$B4,$00,$00,$00,$01,$00,$04,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$60,$54,$00,$00,$C4,$0E, 
121 $00,$00,$C4,$0E,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00, 
122 .............. 

You do have 3 possibilites to embed files: 
1. Go the way with resources / resource workshop 
2. Go to VCL streaming is based on TComponent and TStream with write and read 
3. Go with this article is more generic the advantage is transparency at design 
time and protection at runtime of the embedded files, you can even use binaries 
which you control with an inline assembler format. 

The app the Hexer is downloadable

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