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How to anti-alias text Turn on/off line numbers in source code. Switch to Orginial background IDE or DSP color Comment or reply to this aritlce/tip for discussion. Bookmark this article to my favorite article(s). Print this article
Delphi 2.x
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DSP, Administrator
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			Author: Jonas Bilinkevicius

Are there any anti-alias effect in the TEXT GDI functions? For example, when I do a 
TextOut or DrawText, how can I make the text anti-alias?


Solve 1:

Yes. The quality is a property of the font. You need to setup the font. Some time 
ago I was implementing a function to rotate text and you can use the same routine:
2   procedure SetTextAngle(Canvas: TCanvas; Angle: Integer);
3   var
4     LogFont: TLogFont;
5   begin
6     GetObject(Canvas.Font.Handle, SizeOf(LogFont), Addr(LogFont));
7     with LogFont do
8     begin
9       lfEscapement := Angle;
10      lfOrientation := Angle;
11      lfQuality := ANTIALIASED_QUALITY;
12      lfOutPrecision := OUT_TT_ONLY_PRECIS;
13    end;
14    Canvas.Font.Handle := CreateFontIndirect(LogFont);
15  end;

Solve 2:

Here is another way of doing this:

16  procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
17  var
18    LogFont: TLogFont;
19  begin
20    Font.Name := 'Arial'; { make sure it is a true type font }
21    Font.Size := 48; { sometimes small fonts are not antialiased }
22    GetObject(Font.Handle, SizeOf(LogFont), @LogFont);
23    LogFont.lfQuality := ANTIALIASED_QUALITY;
24    Canvas.Font.Handle := CreateFontIndirect(LogFont);
25    Repaint; { just to make sure our text is not erased immediately }
26    Canvas.TextOut(50, 50, 'Antialiased Text');
27  end;

Solve 3:
29  procedure DrawAAText(Dest: TBitmap; DX, DY: Integer; Text: string);
30  type
31    pRGBLine = ^TRGBLine;
32    TRGBLine = array[Word] of TRGBTriple;
34    {Separate R, G and B values from the color}
35    procedure SeparateColor(Color: TColor; var r: Byte; var g: byte; var b: byte);
36    begin
37      R := Color and $FF0000 shr 16;
38      G := Color and $00FF00 shr 8;
39      B := Color and $0000FF;
40    end;
42  var
43    TempBitmap: TBitmap;
44    x, y: Integer;
45    totr, totg, totb: Integer;
46    j, i: Integer;
47    Line: pRGBLine;
48    TempLine: array[0..1] of pRGBLine;
49  begin
50    {Creates a temporary bitmap do work with supersampling}
51    TempBitmap := TBitmap.Create;
52    with TempBitmap do
53    begin
54      PixelFormat := pf24bit;
55      {Copy attributes from previous bitmap}
56      Canvas.Font.Assign(Dest.Canvas.Font);
57      Canvas.Brush.Assign(Dest.Canvas.Brush);
58      Canvas.Pen.Assign(Dest.Canvas.Pen);
59      Canvas.Font.Size := Canvas.Font.Size * 2;
60      {Make it twice larger to apply supersampling later}
61      Width := Canvas.TextWidth(Text);
62      Height := Canvas.TextHeight(Text);
63      {To prevent unexpected junk}
64      if (Width div 2) + DX > Dest.Width then
65        Width := (Dest.Width - DX) * 2;
66      if (Height div 2) + DY > Dest.Height then
67        Height := (Dest.Height - DY) * 2;
68      {If the brush style is clear, then copy the image from the previous
69      image to create the propher effect}
70      if Canvas.Brush.Style = bsClear then
71      begin
72        Canvas.Draw(-DX, -DY, Dest);
73        Canvas.Stretchdraw(Rect(0, 0, Width * 2, Height * 2), TempBitmap);
74      end;
75      {Draws the text using double size}
76      Canvas.TextOut(0, 0, Text);
77    end;
78    {Draws the antialiased image}
79    for y := 0 to ((TempBitmap.Height) div 2) - 1 do
80    begin
81      {If the y pixel is outside the clipping region, do the proper action}
82      if dy + y < 0 then
83        Continue
84      else if Dy + y > Dest.Height - 1 then
85        Break;
86      {Scanline for faster access}
87      Line := Dest.ScanLine[DY + y];
88      TempLine[0] := TempBitmap.Scanline[2 * y];
89      TempLine[1] := TempBitmap.Scanline[(2 * y) + 1];
90      for x := 0 to ((TempBitmap.Width) div 2) - 1 do
91      begin
92        {If the x pixel is outside the clipping region, do the proper action}
93        if dx + x < 0 then
94          Continue
95        else if Dx + x > Dest.Width - 1 then
96          Break;
97        {Compute the value of the output pixel (x, y) }
98        TotR := 0;
99        TotG := 0;
100       TotB := 0;
101       for j := 0 to 1 do
102       begin
103         for i := 0 to 1 do
104           with TempLine[j][2 * x + i] do
105           begin
106             inc(TotR, rgbtRed);
107             inc(TotG, rgbtGreen);
108             inc(TotB, rgbtBlue);
109           end;
110       end;
111       {Set the pixel values thru scanline}
112       with Line[DX + x] do
113       begin
114         rgbtRed := TotR div 4;
115         rgbtGreen := TotG div 4;
116         rgbtBlue := TotB div 4;
117       end;
118     end;
119   end;
120   {Free the temporary bitmap}
121   TempBitmap.Free;
122 end;

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