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Rotate a Bitmap Image in 90-Degree Increments Turn on/off line numbers in source code. Switch to Orginial background IDE or DSP color Comment or reply to this aritlce/tip for discussion. Bookmark this article to my favorite article(s). Print this article
Bitmap rotation 25-Oct-04
Delphi All Versions
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Perevoznyk, Serhiy
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			Bitmap rotation is a graphic effect that Delphi does not natively offer. This 
article shows how to rotate a given image in 90-degree increments. It allows you to 
rotate any image 0, 90, 180 or 270 degrees. With a little work, the code can be 
modified to rotate to any angle, but that is beyond the scope of this article. 

1   procedure RotateBitmap(var hBitmapDC : Longint; var lWidth : Longint;
2            var lHeight : Longint; lRadians : real);
3   var
4            I : Longint;               // loop counter
5            J : Longint;               // loop counter
6            hNewBitmapDC : Longint;    // DC of the new bitmap
7            hNewBitmap : Longint;      // handle to the new bitmap
8            lSine : extended;          // sine used in rotation
9            lCosine : extended;        // cosine used in rotation
10           X1 : Longint;              // used in calculating new
11                                      //   bitmap dimensions
12           X2 : Longint;              // used in calculating new
13                                      //     bitmap dimensions
14           X3 : Longint;              // used in calculating new
15                                      //     bitmap dimensions
16           Y1 : Longint;              // used in calculating new
17                                      // bitmap dimensions
18           Y2 : Longint;              // used in calculating new
19                                      // bitmap dimensions
20           Y3 : Longint;              // used in calculating new
21                                      // bitmap dimensions
22           lMinX : Longint;           // used in calculating new
23                                      // bitmap dimensions
24           lMaxX : Longint;           // used in calculating new
25                                      // bitmap dimensions
26           lMinY : Longint;           // used in calculating new
27                                      // bitmap dimensions
28           lMaxY : Longint;           // used in calculating new
29                                      // bitmap dimensions
30           lNewWidth : Longint;       // width of new bitmap
31           lNewHeight : Longint;      // height of new bitmap
32           lSourceX : Longint;        // x pixel coord we are blitting
33                                      // from the source  image
34           lSourceY : Longint;        // y pixel coord we are blitting
35                                      // from the source image
37  begin
38           // create a compatible DC from the one just brought
39           // into this function
40           hNewBitmapDC := CreateCompatibleDC(hBitmapDC);
42           // compute the sine/cosinse of the radians used to
43           // rotate this image
44           lSine := Sin(lRadians);
45           lCosine := Cos(lRadians);
47           // compute the size of the new bitmap being created
48           X1 := Round(-lHeight * lSine);
49           Y1 := Round(lHeight * lCosine);
50           X2 := Round(lWidth * lCosine - lHeight * lSine);
51           Y2 := Round(lHeight * lCosine + lWidth * lSine);
52           X3 := Round(lWidth * lCosine);
53           Y3 := Round(lWidth * lSine);
55           // figure out the max/min size of the new bitmap
56           lMinX := Min(0, Min(X1, Min(X2, X3)));
57           lMinY := Min(0, Min(Y1, Min(Y2, Y3)));
58           lMaxX := Max(X1, Max(X2, X3));
59           lMaxY := Max(Y1, Max(Y2, Y3));
61           // set the new bitmap width/height
62           lNewWidth := lMaxX - lMinX;
63           lNewHeight := lMaxY - lMinY;
65           // create a new bitmap based upon the new width/height of the
66           // rotated bitmap
67           hNewBitmap := CreateCompatibleBitmap(hBitmapDC, lNewWidth, lNewHeight);
69           //attach the new bitmap to the new device context created
70           //above before constructing the rotated bitmap
71           SelectObject(hNewBitmapDC, hNewBitmap);
73           // loop through and translate each pixel to its new location.
74           // this is using a standard rotation algorithm
75           for I := 0 to lNewHeight do begin
76              for J := 0 to lNewWidth do begin
77                 lSourceX := Round((J + lMinX) * lCosine + (I + lMinY) * lSine);
78                 lSourceY := Round((I + lMinY) * lCosine - (J + lMinX) * lSine);
79                 if (lSourceX >= 0) and (lSourceX <= lWidth) and
80                 (lSourceY >= 0) and (lSourceY <= lHeight) then
81                     BitBlt(hNewBitmapDC, J, I, 1, 1, hBitmapDC,
82                                lSourceX, lSourceY, SRCCOPY);
83              end;
84           end;
86           // reset the new bitmap width and height
87           lWidth := lNewWidth;
88           lHeight := lNewHeight;
90           // return the DC to the new bitmap
91           hBitmapDC := hNewBitmapDC;
93           // destroy the bitmap created
94           DeleteObject(hNewBitmap);
96        end;
98  //The following is an example of how the RotateBitmap function might be called: 
100 procedure TForm1.RotateTest(Sender: TObject);
101 var
102  lRadians : real;
103  DC  : longint;
104  H, W : integer;
105  Degrees : integer;
106 begin
107   Degrees := 45;
108   lRadians := PI * Degrees / 180;
109   DC := Image1.Picture.Bitmap.Canvas.Handle;
110   H := Image1.Picture.Bitmap.Height;
111   W := Image1.Picture.Bitmap.Width;
112   RotateBitmap(DC, W, H, lRadians);
113   Image1.Width := W;
114   Image1.Height := H;
115   Image1.Picture.Bitmap.Width := W;
116   Image1.Picture.Bitmap.Height := H;
117   BitBlt(Image1.Picture.Bitmap.Canvas.Handle, 0, 0, W, H, DC, 0, 0, SRCCopy);
118   Image1.Refresh;
119 end;

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