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How to create a TScrollBox without scrollbars Turn on/off line numbers in source code. Switch to Orginial background IDE or DSP color Comment or reply to this aritlce/tip for discussion. Bookmark this article to my favorite article(s). Print this article
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DSP, Administrator
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			Author: Tomas Rutkauskas

How to create a TScrollBox without scrollbars


Below is a TScrollbox descendent with properties to hide either scrollbar. It can 
also do a tiled bitmap background. The latter hasn't been made foolproof yet.

1   THideScrollbarScrollbox = class(TScrollbox)
2   private
3     fHideVertScrollbar, fHideHorzScrollbar: Boolean;
4     fVertPosition, fVertRange: Integer;
5     fHorzPosition, fHorzRange: Integer;
6     OldVisible, OldHorzVisible: Boolean;
7     fBackBmp: TBitmap;
8     function GetVertPosition: Integer;
9     procedure SetVertPosition(const Value: Integer);
10    function GetVertRange: Integer;
11    procedure SetVertRange(const Value: Integer);
12    procedure SetHideVertScrollbar(const Value: Boolean);
13    procedure WMPaint(var msg: TWMPaint); message WM_PAINT;
14    procedure SetHideHorzScrollbar(const Value: Boolean);
15    function GetHorzPosition: Integer;
16    function GetHorzRange: Integer;
17    procedure SetHorzPosition(const Value: Integer);
18    procedure SetHorzRange(const Value: Integer);
19  protected
20    procedure PaintWindow(DC: HDC); override;
21  public
22    constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
23    procedure scrollinview(AControl: TControl);
24    property BackBmp: TBitmap read fBackBmp write fBackBmp;
25  published
26    property HideVertScrollbar: Boolean read fHideVertScrollbar write 
27  SetHideVertScrollbar;
28    property HideHorzScrollbar: Boolean read fHideHorzScrollbar write 
29  SetHideHorzScrollbar;
30    {use these to set positions and range:}
31    property VertPosition: Integer read GetVertPosition write SetVertPosition;
32    property VertRange: Integer read GetVertRange write SetVertRange;
33    property HorzPosition: Integer read GetHorzPosition write SetHorzPosition;
34    property HorzRange: Integer read GetHorzRange write SetHorzRange;
35  end;
37  implementation
39  { THideScrollbarScrollbox }
41  constructor THideScrollbarScrollbox.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
42  begin
43    inherited;
44    OldVisible := VertScrollbar.Visible;
45    fVertPosition := 0;
46    fBackBmp := nil;
47  end;
49  function THideScrollbarScrollbox.GetHorzPosition: Integer;
50  begin
51    if HorzScrollbar.Visible or not fHideHorzScrollbar then
52    begin
53      Result := HorzScrollbar.position;
54      fHorzPosition := Result;
55    end
56    else
57      Result := fHorzPosition;
58  end;
60  function THideScrollbarScrollbox.GetHorzRange: Integer;
61  begin
62    if HorzScrollbar.Visible or not fHideHorzScrollbar then
63    begin
64      Result := HorzScrollbar.Range;
65      fHorzRange := Result;
66    end
67    else
68      Result := fHorzRange;
69  end;
71  function THideScrollbarScrollbox.GetVertPosition: Integer;
72  begin
73    if VertScrollbar.Visible or not fHideVertScrollbar then
74    begin
75      Result := VertScrollbar.position;
76      fVertPosition := Result;
77    end
78    else
79      Result := fVertPosition;
80  end;
82  function THideScrollbarScrollbox.GetVertRange: Integer;
83  begin
84    if VertScrollbar.Visible or not fHideVertScrollbar then
85    begin
86      Result := VertScrollbar.Range;
87      fVertRange := Result;
88    end
89    else
90      Result := fVertRange;
91  end;
93  procedure TileBitmap(ABm: TBitmap; aDC: HDC; bmw, bmh, cw, ch, cx, cy: Integer);
94  var
95    x, y: Integer;
96    BMDC: HDC;
97  begin
98    y := cy;
99    if bmw > 0 then
100     if bmh > 0 then
101     begin
102       BMDC := ABm.Canvas.Handle;
103       while y < ch do
104       begin
105         x := cx;
106         if y + bmh > 0 then
107           while x < cw do
108           begin
109             if x + bmw > 0 then
110               BitBlt(aDC, x, y, bmw, bmh, BMDC, 0, 0, SRCCopy);
111             x := x + bmw;
112           end;
113         y := y + bmh;
114       end;
115     end;
116 end;
118 procedure THideScrollbarScrollbox.PaintWindow(DC: HDC);
119 begin
120   if fBackBmp <> nil then
121   begin
122     TileBitmap(fBackBmp, DC, fBackBmp.Width, fBackBmp.Height,
123       clientwidth, clientheight, 0, -VertPosition);
124   end
125   else
126     inherited;
127 end;
129 procedure THideScrollbarScrollbox.scrollinview(AControl: TControl);
130 var
131   Rect: TRect;
132 begin
133   if VertScrollbar.Visible or not fHideVertScrollbar then
134     inherited scrollinview(AControl)
135   else
136   begin
137     if AControl = nil then
138       exit;
139     Rect := AControl.ClientRect;
140     dec(Rect.Left, HorzScrollbar.margin);
141     inc(Rect.Right, HorzScrollbar.margin);
142     dec(Rect.Top, VertScrollbar.margin);
143     inc(Rect.Bottom, VertScrollbar.margin);
144     Rect.TopLeft := screentoclient(AControl.ClienttoScreen(Rect.TopLeft));
145     Rect.BottomRight := screentoclient(AControl.ClienttoScreen(Rect.BottomRight));
146     if Rect.Top < 0 then
147       VertPosition := VertPosition +
148     else if Rect.Bottom > clientheight then
149     begin
150       if Rect.Bottom - Rect.Top > clientheight then
151         Rect.Bottom := Rect.Top + clientheight;
152       VertPosition := VertPosition + Rect.Bottom - clientheight;
153     end;
154   end;
155 end;
157 procedure THideScrollbarScrollbox.SetHideHorzScrollbar(const Value: Boolean);
158 begin
159   if Value <> fHideHorzScrollbar then
160   begin
161     fHideHorzScrollbar := Value;
162     if Value then
163     begin
164       OldHorzVisible := HorzScrollbar.Visible;
165       HorzScrollbar.Visible := False;
166     end
167     else
168       HorzScrollbar.Visible := OldHorzVisible;
169     HorzRange := HorzRange;
170     HorzPosition := HorzPosition;
171   end;
172 end;
174 procedure THideScrollbarScrollbox.SetHideVertScrollbar(const Value: Boolean);
175 begin
176   if Value <> fHideVertScrollbar then
177   begin
178     fHideVertScrollbar := Value;
179     if Value then
180     begin
181       OldVisible := VertScrollbar.Visible;
182       VertScrollbar.Visible := False;
183     end
184     else
185       VertScrollbar.Visible := OldVisible;
186     VertRange := VertRange;
187     VertPosition := VertPosition;
188   end;
189 end;
191 procedure THideScrollbarScrollbox.SetHorzPosition(const Value: Integer);
192 var
193   Oldposition: Integer;
194 begin
195   Oldposition := HorzPosition;
196   fHorzPosition := Value;
197   if fHorzPosition > HorzRange - clientwidth then
198     fHorzPosition := HorzRange - clientwidth;
199   if fHorzPosition < 0 then
200     fHorzPosition := 0;
201   if fHorzPosition = Oldposition then
202     exit;
203   if HorzScrollbar.Visible or not fHideHorzScrollbar then
204     HorzScrollbar.position := Value
205   else
206     Scrollby(Oldposition - fHorzPosition, 0);
207 end;
209 procedure THideScrollbarScrollbox.SetHorzRange(const Value: Integer);
210 begin
211   fHorzRange := Value;
212   if HorzScrollbar.Visible or not fHideHorzScrollbar then
213     HorzScrollbar.Range := Value;
214 end;
216 procedure THideScrollbarScrollbox.SetVertPosition(const Value: Integer);
217 var
218   Oldposition: Integer;
219 begin
220   Oldposition := VertPosition;
221   fVertPosition := Value;
222   if fVertPosition > VertRange - clientheight then
223     fVertPosition := VertRange - clientheight;
224   if fVertPosition < 0 then
225     fVertPosition := 0;
226   if fVertPosition = Oldposition then
227     exit;
228   if VertScrollbar.Visible or not fHideVertScrollbar then
229     VertScrollbar.position := Value
230   else
231     Scrollby(0, Oldposition - fVertPosition);
232 end;
234 procedure THideScrollbarScrollbox.SetVertRange(const Value: Integer);
235 begin
236   fVertRange := Value;
237   if VertScrollbar.Visible or not fHideVertScrollbar then
238     VertScrollbar.Range := Value;
239 end;
241 procedure THideScrollbarScrollbox.WMPaint(var msg: TWMPaint);
242 begin
243   ControlState := ControlState + [csCustomPaint];
244   inherited;
245   ControlState := ControlState - [csCustomPaint];
246 end;

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