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How to add text completion capability to a TComboBox Turn on/off line numbers in source code. Switch to Orginial background IDE or DSP color Comment or reply to this aritlce/tip for discussion. Bookmark this article to my favorite article(s). Print this article
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DSP, Administrator
Reference URL:
			Author: Tomas Rutkauskas

How to add text completion capability to a TComboBox


Solve 1:

The Netscape Communicator location box, The Windows 98 'Run' dialog, and other 
programs, have implemented a very user friendly feature known commonly as text 
completion. This document describes how to add similar functionality to a 
TComboBox. The most elegant and reusable way to add this functionality is by 
descending from TComboBox and overriding the ComboWndProc to handle the WM_KEYUP 
message. By adding a new property 'TextCompletion', the functionality can be 
toggled to act like a regular TComboBox. Below is the component unit that 
implements text completion in a TComboBox. This unit can be installed as is.

1   unit CompletingComboBox;
3   interface
5   uses
6     Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, 
7   StdCtrls;
9   type
10    TCompletingComboBox = class(TComboBox)
11    private
12      FTextCompletion: Boolean;
13      function GetTextCompletion: Boolean;
14      procedure SetTextCompletion(const Value: Boolean);
15    protected
16      {override the WndProc() so that we can trap KeyUp events}
17      procedure ComboWndProc(var message: TMessage; ComboWnd: HWnd;
18        ComboProc: Pointer); override;
19    public
20      {Public declarations}
21    published
22      property TextCompletion: Boolean read GetTextCompletion write SetTextCompletion;
23    end;
25  procedure register;
27  implementation
29  procedure register;
30  begin
31    RegisterComponents('Standard', [TCompletingComboBox]);
32  end;
34  {TCompletingComboBox}
36  function TCompletingComboBox.GetTextCompletion: Boolean;
37  begin
38    Result := fTextCompletion;
39  end;
41  procedure TCompletingComboBox.SetTextCompletion(const Value: Boolean);
42  begin
43    fTextCompletion := Value;
44  end;
46  procedure TCompletingComboBox.ComboWndProc(var message: TMessage;
47    ComboWnd: HWnd; ComboProc: Pointer);
48  var
49    rc, len: Integer;
50  begin
51    inherited;
52    case message.Msg of
53      WM_KEYUP:
54        begin
55          {test to see if its a character that should not be processed}
56          if (message.WParam <> 8) and (message.WParam <> VK_DELETE) and
57            (message.WParam <> VK_SHIFT) and (FTextCompletion = True) then
58          begin
59            {Use CB_FINDSTRING to locate the string in the Items property}
60            rc := Perform(CB_FINDSTRING, -1, Integer(PChar(Caption)));
61            {if its in there then add the new string to the Text and select the 
62  portion that wasn't typed in by the user}
63            if rc <> CB_ERR then
64            begin
65              {store the length of the current string}
66              len := Length(Text);
67              {set the new string}
68              ItemIndex := rc;
69              {highlight the rest of the text that was added}
70              SelStart := len;
71              SelLength := Length(Text) - len;
72              {return 0 to signify that the message has been handled}
73              message.Result := 0;
74            end;
75          end;
76        end;
77    end;
78  end;


Solve 2:

Performing autocompletion in a combobox:
80  procedure TForm1.ComboBox1Change(Sender: TObject);
81  var
82    oldpos: Integer;
83    item: Integer;
84  begin
85    with Sender as TComboBox do
86    begin
87      oldpos := selstart;
88      item := Perform(CB_FINDSTRING, -1, lparam(Pchar(text)));
89      if item >= 0 then
90      begin
91        onchange := nil;
92        text := items[item];
93        selstart := oldpos;
94        sellength := gettextlen - selstart;
95        onchange := combobox1change;
96      end;
97    end;
98  end;
100 procedure TForm1.ComboBox1KeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char);
101 var
102   oldlen: Integer;
103 begin
104   if key = #8 then
105     with sender as TComboBox do
106     begin
107       oldlen := sellength;
108       if selstart > 0 then
109       begin
110         selstart := selstart - 1;
111         sellength := oldlen + 1;
112       end;
113     end;
114 end;

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