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Component for Saving User Settings automatically Turn on/off line numbers in source code. Switch to Orginial background IDE or DSP color Comment or reply to this aritlce/tip for discussion. Bookmark this article to my favorite article(s). Print this article
Delphi 6.x
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DSP, Administrator
Reference URL:
			Author: Güven ÖZDEMİR 

Daniel Wischnewski 's Article is good.But how i can compile it on delphi7.


As you know under delphi 6 there is DsgnIntf. unit. Instead of this unit  
DesignIntf  and  DesignEditors units came with delphi 6 and after.
Now to fix code first use   DesignIntf and DesignEditors units instead of 
DsgnIntf.. and replase IformDesigner to IDesigner in frmDesignTimeEditor unit.After 
to do this you will get correct this please   replace Designer.form.Name 
to Designer.Root.Name. And Now You can compile these usefull toll on delphi 7.
here is the code of frmDesignTimeEditor.

Thank again to Daniel Wischnewski for that good companent.

Regards ;
Güven Özdemir.

1   unit frmDesignTimeEditor;
3   interface
5   uses
6     Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs,
7     StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, Buttons, ComCtrls, ComponentStateRecovery, DesignIntf, 
8   DesignEditors,
9     TypInfo;
11  type
12    // component editor for the TComponentStateRecorder class
13    TCSRDesignEditor = class(TDefaultEditor)
14    protected
15    public
16      function GetVerb(Index: Integer): string; override;
17      function GetVerbCount: Integer; override;
18      procedure ExecuteVerb(Index: Integer); override;
19    end;
21    // property editor that lists all properties of a component at design-time
22    TPropertyNameEditor = class(TStringProperty)
23    public
24      procedure GetValues(Proc: TGetStrProc); override;
25      function GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes; override;
26    end;
28    // property editor that lists all components at design-time
29    TComponentNameEditor = class(TStringProperty)
30    public
31      procedure GetValues(Proc: TGetStrProc); override;
32      function GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes; override;
33    end;
35    TfrmCSRDesigner = class(TForm)
36      Panel1: TPanel;
37      Label1: TLabel;
38      edtRegKey: TEdit;
39      Panel2: TPanel;
40      btnOK: TBitBtn;
41      trvCollections: TTreeView;
42      Panel3: TPanel;
43      lblComponent: TLabel;
44      cmbComponent: TComboBox;
45      grpProperty: TGroupBox;
46      lblPropertyName: TLabel;
47      cmbPropertyName: TComboBox;
48      lblDefaultValue: TLabel;
49      edtDefaultValue: TEdit;
50      btnAddComponent: TButton;
51      btnRemove: TButton;
52      btnAddProperty: TButton;
53      procedure btnOKClick(Sender: TObject);
54      procedure trvCollectionsChange(Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode);
55      procedure btnAddComponentClick(Sender: TObject);
56      procedure cmbComponentChange(Sender: TObject);
57      procedure edtRegKeyChange(Sender: TObject);
58      procedure cmbPropertyNameChange(Sender: TObject);
59      procedure edtDefaultValueChange(Sender: TObject);
60      procedure btnAddPropertyClick(Sender: TObject);
61      procedure btnRemoveClick(Sender: TObject);
62    private
63      FCSR: TComponentStateRecorder;
64      FDesigner: IDesigner;
65      procedure SetCSR(const Value: TComponentStateRecorder);
66      procedure ShowProperties(Name: string);
67      procedure UpdateForSelectedNode;
68      procedure SetDesigner(const Value: IDesigner);
69    public
70      property CSR: TComponentStateRecorder read FCSR write SetCSR;
71      property Designer: IDesigner read FDesigner write SetDesigner;
72    end;
74  var
75    frmCSRDesigner: TfrmCSRDesigner;
77  procedure register;
79  implementation
81  {$R *.DFM}
83  procedure register;
84  begin
85    // register component
86    RegisterComponents('gate(n)etwork', [TComponentStateRecorder]);
87    // register property editors (they will provide drop-down lists to the OI)
88    RegisterPropertyEditor(
89      TypeInfo(string), TSavedComponent, 'ComponentName', TComponentNameEditor
90    );
91    RegisterPropertyEditor(
92      TypeInfo(string), TSavedProperty, 'PropertyName', TPropertyNameEditor
93    );
94    // register component editor
95    RegisterComponentEditor(TComponentStateRecorder, TCSRDesignEditor);
96  end;
98  { TCSRDesignEditor }
100 procedure TCSRDesignEditor.ExecuteVerb(Index: Integer);
101 begin
102   with TfrmCSRDesigner.Create(Application) do
103   try
104     Designer := Self.Designer;
105     CSR := TComponentStateRecorder(Component);
106     ShowModal; 
107   finally
108     Free;
109   end;
110 end;
112 function TCSRDesignEditor.GetVerb(Index: Integer): string;
113 begin
114   if Index = 0 then
115     Result := 'Edit all recorded Properties...'
116   else
117     Result := '';
118 end;
120 function TCSRDesignEditor.GetVerbCount: Integer;
121 begin
122   Result := 1;
123 end;
125 { TPropertyNameEditor }
127 function TPropertyNameEditor.GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes;
128 begin
129   // the property editor will provide a sorted list of possible values
130   Result := [paValueList, paSortList];
131 end;
133 procedure TPropertyNameEditor.GetValues(Proc: TGetStrProc);
134 var
135   I, Count: Integer;
136   PropInfos: PPropList;
137   TmpComponent: TComponent;
138   SC: TSavedComponent;
139 begin
140   // check property type
141   if not (GetComponent(0) is TSavedProperty) then
142     Exit;
143   // get TSavedComponent (parent object)
144   SC := TSavedProperties(
145     TSavedProperty(GetComponent(0)).Collection
146   ).SavedComponent;
147   // find the corresponding component
150   if SC.ComponentName = Designer.Root.Name  then
151      TmpComponent := Designer.Root
152    else
153     TmpComponent := Designer.GetComponent(SC.ComponentName);
156   // quit if component was not found
157   if TmpComponent = nil then
158     Exit;
159   // determine the property count
160   Count := GetPropList(TmpComponent.ClassInfo, [
161     tkInteger, tkInt64, tkFloat, tkEnumeration, tkSet, tkChar, tkString,
162     tkLString
163   ], nil);
164   // reserve memory needed for property informations
165   GetMem(PropInfos, Count * SizeOf(PPropInfo));
166   try
167     // load property list
168     GetPropList(TmpComponent.ClassInfo, [
169       tkInteger, tkInt64, tkFloat, tkEnumeration, tkSet, tkChar, tkString,
170       tkLString
171     ], PropInfos);
172     // save to object inspector list
173     for I := 0 to Pred(Count) do
174       Proc(PropInfos^[I]^.Name);
175   finally
176     // free resources
177     FreeMem(PropInfos);
178   end;
179 end;
181 { TComponentNameEditor }
183 function TComponentNameEditor.GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes;
184 begin
185   // the property editor will provide a sorted list of possible values
186   Result := [paValueList, paSortList];
187 end;
189 procedure TComponentNameEditor.GetValues(Proc: TGetStrProc);
190 var
191   I: Integer;
192 begin
193   // return name of form
194   if Designer.Root.Name <> '' then
195     Proc(Designer.Root.Name);
196   // return names of all components
197   for I := 0 to Pred(Designer.root.ComponentCount) do
198     if Designer.root.Components[I].Name <> '' then
199       Proc(Designer.root.Components[I].Name);
200 end;
202 { TfrmCSRDesigner }
204 procedure TfrmCSRDesigner.btnAddComponentClick(Sender: TObject);
205 var
206   Node: TTreeNode;
207   SC: TSavedComponent;
208 begin
209   SC := CSR.SavedComponents.Add;
210   Node := trvCollections.Items.AddChild(nil, SC.DisplayName);
211   trvCollections.Selected := Node;
212   Node.Data := SC;
213   UpdateForSelectedNode;
214   Designer.Modified;
215 end;
217 procedure TfrmCSRDesigner.btnAddPropertyClick(Sender: TObject);
218 var
219   Node: TTreeNode;
220   SP: TSavedProperty;
221 begin
222   if trvCollections.Selected = nil then
223     Exit;
224   if trvCollections.Selected.Data = nil then
225     Exit;
226   if not (TObject(trvCollections.Selected.Data) is TSavedComponent) then
227     Exit;
228   SP := TSavedComponent(trvCollections.Selected.Data).SavedProperties.Add;
229   Node :=
230     trvCollections.Items.AddChild(trvCollections.Selected, SP.DisplayName);
231   Node.Data := SP;
232   trvCollections.Selected := Node;
233   UpdateForSelectedNode;
234   Designer.Modified;
235 end;
237 procedure TfrmCSRDesigner.btnOKClick(Sender: TObject);
238 begin
239   ModalResult := mrOK;
240 end;
242 procedure TfrmCSRDesigner.btnRemoveClick(Sender: TObject);
243 begin
244   if trvCollections.Selected = nil then
245     Exit;
246   if trvCollections.Selected.Data = nil then
247     Exit;
248   if (TObject(trvCollections.Selected.Data) is TSavedComponent) then
249   begin
250     TSavedComponent(trvCollections.Selected.Data).Collection.Delete(
251       TSavedComponent(trvCollections.Selected.Data).Index
252     );
253     trvCollections.Items.Delete(trvCollections.Selected);
254   end;
255   if (TObject(trvCollections.Selected.Data) is TSavedProperty) then
256   begin
257     TSavedProperty(trvCollections.Selected.Data).Collection.Delete(
258       TSavedProperty(trvCollections.Selected.Data).Index
259     );
260     trvCollections.Items.Delete(trvCollections.Selected);
261   end;
262   Designer.Modified;
263 end;
265 procedure TfrmCSRDesigner.cmbComponentChange(Sender: TObject);
266 begin
267   if trvCollections.Selected = nil then
268     Exit;
269   if trvCollections.Selected.Data = nil then
270     Exit;
271   if not (TObject(trvCollections.Selected.Data) is TSavedComponent) then
272     Exit;
273   TSavedComponent(trvCollections.Selected.Data).ComponentName :=
274     cmbComponent.Text;
275   trvCollections.Selected.Text :=
276     TSavedComponent(trvCollections.Selected.Data).DisplayName;
277   Designer.Modified;
278 end;
280 procedure TfrmCSRDesigner.cmbPropertyNameChange(Sender: TObject);
281 begin
282   if trvCollections.Selected = nil then
283     Exit;
284   if trvCollections.Selected.Data = nil then
285     Exit;
286   if not (TObject(trvCollections.Selected.Data) is TSavedProperty) then
287     Exit;
288   TSavedProperty(trvCollections.Selected.Data).DefaultValue := '';
289   TSavedProperty(trvCollections.Selected.Data).PropertyName :=
290     cmbPropertyName.Text;
291   trvCollections.Selected.Text :=
292     TSavedProperty(trvCollections.Selected.Data).DisplayName;
293   edtDefaultValue.Text :=
294     TSavedProperty(trvCollections.Selected.Data).DefaultValue;
295   Designer.Modified;
296 end;
298 procedure TfrmCSRDesigner.edtDefaultValueChange(Sender: TObject);
299 begin
300   if trvCollections.Selected = nil then
301     Exit;
302   if trvCollections.Selected.Data = nil then
303     Exit;
304   if not (TObject(trvCollections.Selected.Data) is TSavedProperty) then
305     Exit;
306   TSavedProperty(trvCollections.Selected.Data).DefaultValue :=
307     edtDefaultValue.Text;
308   Designer.Modified;
309 end;
311 procedure TfrmCSRDesigner.edtRegKeyChange(Sender: TObject);
312 begin
313   FCSR.RegistryKey := edtRegKey.Text;
314   Designer.Modified;
315 end;
317 procedure TfrmCSRDesigner.SetCSR(const Value: TComponentStateRecorder);
318 var
319   I, J: Integer;
320   SC: TSavedComponent;
321   SP: TSavedProperty;
322   SCNode, SPNode: TTreeNode;
323 begin
324   FCSR := Value;
325   // load registry key
326   edtRegKey.Text := FCSR.RegistryKey;
327   trvCollections.Items.Clear;
328   // parse all selected components
329   for I := 0 to Pred(FCSR.SavedComponents.Count) do
330   begin
331     SC := FCSR.SavedComponents.Items[I];
332     SCNode := trvCollections.Items.AddChild(nil, SC.DisplayName);
333     SCNode.Data := SC;
334     // parse all selected properties
335     for J := 0 to Pred(SC.SavedProperties.Count) do
336     begin
337       SP := SC.SavedProperties.Items[J];
338       SPNode := trvCollections.Items.AddChild(SCNode, SP.DisplayName);
339       SPNode.Data := SP;
340     end;
341   end;
342   // select the first item in the list
343   if trvCollections.Items.Count > 0 then
344     trvCollections.Selected := trvCollections.Items.Item[0];
345   if Designer <> nil then
346   begin
347     // return name of form
348     if Designer.root.Name <> '' then
349       cmbComponent.Items.Add(Designer.root.Name);
350     // return names of all components
351     for I := 0 to Pred(Designer.root.ComponentCount) do
352       if Designer.root.Components[I].Name <> '' then
353         cmbComponent.Items.Add(Designer.root.Components[I].Name);
354   end;
355   // show state of selection
356   UpdateForSelectedNode;
357 end;
359 type
360   TEnableStates = (esComponent, esProperty);
361   TEnableStateSet = set of TEnableStates;
363 procedure TfrmCSRDesigner.SetDesigner(const Value: IDesigner);
364 begin
365   FDesigner := Value;
366 end;
368 procedure TfrmCSRDesigner.ShowProperties(Name: string);
369 var
370   I, Count: Integer;
371   PropInfos: PPropList;
372   TmpComponent: TComponent;
373 begin
374   // clear list
375   cmbPropertyName.Clear;
376   // stop if no component name is provided
377   if Name = '' then
378     Exit;
379   //  get component
380   if CSR.Owner.Name = Name then
381    TmpComponent := CSR.Owner
382   else
383     TmpComponent := CSR.Owner.FindComponent(Name);
384   // stop if component was not found
385   if TmpComponent = nil then
386     Exit;
387   // determine the property count
388   Count := GetPropList(TmpComponent.ClassInfo, [
389     tkInteger, tkInt64, tkFloat, tkEnumeration, tkSet, tkChar, tkString,
390     tkLString
391   ], nil);
392   // reserve memory needed for property informations
393   GetMem(PropInfos, Count * SizeOf(PPropInfo));
394   try
395     // load property list
396     GetPropList(TmpComponent.ClassInfo, [
397       tkInteger, tkInt64, tkFloat, tkEnumeration, tkSet, tkChar, tkString,
398       tkLString
399     ], PropInfos);
400     // save to object inspector list
401     for I := 0 to Pred(Count) do
402       cmbPropertyName.Items.Add(PropInfos^[I]^.Name);
403   finally
404     // free resources
405     FreeMem(PropInfos);
406   end;
407 end;
409 procedure TfrmCSRDesigner.trvCollectionsChange(Sender: TObject;
410   Node: TTreeNode);
411 begin
412   UpdateForSelectedNode;
413 end;
415 procedure TfrmCSRDesigner.UpdateForSelectedNode;
416 var
417   CompName, PropertyName: string;
418   EnableStates: TEnableStateSet;
419 begin
420   EnableStates := [];
421   Name := '';
422   if trvCollections.Selected <> nil then
423     if trvCollections.Selected.Data <> nil then
424     begin
425       if TObject(trvCollections.Selected.Data) is TSavedComponent then
426       begin
427         cmbComponent.Text :=
428           TSavedComponent(trvCollections.Selected.Data).ComponentName;
429         EnableStates := EnableStates + [esComponent];
430         cmbPropertyName.Text := '';
431         edtDefaultValue.Text := '';
432         trvCollections.Selected.Text :=
433           TSavedComponent(trvCollections.Selected.Data).DisplayName;
434         CompName := '';
435         PropertyName := '';
436       end;
437       if TObject(trvCollections.Selected.Data) is TSavedProperty then
438       begin
439         EnableStates := EnableStates + [esProperty];
440         CompName :=
441           TSavedProperties(TSavedProperty(
442             trvCollections.Selected.Data
443           ).Collection).SavedComponent.ComponentName;
444         cmbComponent.Text := CompName;
445         PropertyName :=
446           TSavedProperty(trvCollections.Selected.Data).PropertyName;
447         cmbPropertyName.Text := Name;
448         edtDefaultValue.Text :=
449           TSavedProperty(trvCollections.Selected.Data).DefaultValue;
450         trvCollections.Selected.Text :=
451           TSavedProperty(trvCollections.Selected.Data).DisplayName;
452       end;
453     end;
454   cmbComponent.Enabled := esComponent in EnableStates;
455   lblComponent.Enabled := esComponent in EnableStates;
456   btnAddProperty.Enabled := esComponent in EnableStates;
457   cmbPropertyName.Enabled := esProperty in EnableStates;
458   lblPropertyName.Enabled := esProperty in EnableStates;
459   edtDefaultValue.Enabled := esProperty in EnableStates;
460   lblDefaultValue.Enabled := esProperty in EnableStates;
461   grpProperty.Enabled := esProperty in EnableStates;
462   btnRemove.Enabled := EnableStates <> [];
463   ShowProperties(CompName);
464   cmbPropertyName.Text := PropertyName;
465   trvCollections.Update;
466 end;
468 end.

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