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How to restore files from the recycle bin and delete files present in the recycl Turn on/off line numbers in source code. Switch to Orginial background IDE or DSP color Comment or reply to this aritlce/tip for discussion. Bookmark this article to my favorite article(s). Print this article
Delphi 3.x
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DSP, Administrator
Reference URL:
			 Author: Vimil Saju

How to restore files from the recycle bin and delete files present in the recycle 


To restore as well as delete file from the bin you need to make use of the 
following functions. 
2   function SHQueryRecycleBin(pszrtootpath: pchar; QUERYRBINFO: pshqueryrbinfo): 
3   integer;
4     stdcall; external 'shell32' name 'SHQueryRecycleBinA';
5     //used to get the number of files in the bin.
7   function _FindFirstChangeNotification(lpPathName: PChar; bWatchSubtree: TWinBool;
8     dwNotifyFilter:
9     DWORD): THandle; stdcall; external kernel32 name 'FindFirstChangeNotificationA';
10  // used to notify the program when user has deleted a file
12  function SHEmptyRecycleBin(hwnd: thandle; pszRootPath: pchar; dwFlags: integer):
13    integer; stdcall; external 'shell32.dll' name 'SHEmptyRecycleBinA';
14    //This function empties the recycle bin.

In delphi the function FindFirstChangeNotification is already declared but in 
Delphi 3 and above it does not work correctly.If the second parameter is true then 
the function always returns an invalid handle.(visit for more info). 

So you need to redeclare the FindFirstChangeNotification function as shown below. 

15  type
16    TWinBool = (winFalse, winTrue);
18  function _FindFirstChangeNotification(lpPathName: PChar; bWatchSubtree: TWinBool;
19    dwNotifyFilter:
20    DWORD): THandle; stdcall; external kernel32 name 
21  'FindFirstChangeNotificationA';

The above function is used to refresh the list of files in the recyclebin when the 
user deletes  a file. 

To use this function we have to first create a thread.This thread checks 
continuosly checks whether any file was deleted and then refreshes the list of 
deleted items. 

For more information see delphi tips 'SHQUERYBINFO', 'SHemptyrecycleBin', 
'Get the list of files from bin'. 

Here is the code of the thread. 

22  unit Unit2;
24  interface
26  uses
27    Classes, SysUtils, windows;
29  type
30    TFileChangeNotify = class(TThread)
31    private
33    protected
34      procedure Execute; override;
35      procedure filenotify; //refreshes the list when user has deleted a file.
36    end;
37  var
38    qh1: thandle;
39  implementation
41  uses
42    unit1;
44  procedure TFileChangeNotify.filenotify;
45  begin
46    form1.refreshlist;
47  end;
49  procedure TFileChangeNotify.Execute;
50  var
51    pdir: pchar;
52    st: integer;
53    tmp: boolean;
54  begin
55    pdir := 'C:\';
56    qh1 := 0;
57    qh1 := _FindFirstChangeNotification(pdir, Twinbool(1),
59    while true do
60    begin
61      st := WaitForSingleObject(qh1, INFINITE);
62      if st = WAIT_OBJECT_0 then
63      begin
64        Synchronize(filenotify);
65        SHUpdateRecycleBinIcon;
66      end;
67      tmp := findnextchangenotification(qh1);
68      if tmp = false then
69        Terminate;
70    end;
71  end;
73  end.

You need to add a Tlistview control to your form, and add two columns to it. 
Here is the code of main program. 

74  unit Unit1;
76  interface
78  uses
79    Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs,
80    StdCtrls, Menus, ComCtrls, unit2; {unit2 is the unit in which the thread resides}
82  const
84  const
86  const
87    SHERB_NOSOUND = $4;
89  type
90    TWinBool = (winFalse, winTrue);
92  type
93    Tfbuf = packed record
94      data: array[0..255] of char;
95      u1: array[0..3] of char;
96      recno: smallint;
97      u2: array[0..18] of char;
98    end;
100 type
101   SHQUERYRBINFO = packed record
102     cbSize: integer;
103     i64Size: int64;
104     i64NumItems: int64;
105   end;
106   pshqueryrbinfo = ^SHQUERYRBINFO;
108 function SHQueryRecycleBin(pszrtootpath: pchar; QUERYRBINFO: pshqueryrbinfo): 
109 integer;
110   stdcall; external 'shell32' name 'SHQueryRecycleBinA';
111 function _FindFirstChangeNotification(lpPathName: PChar; bWatchSubtree: TWinBool;
112   dwNotifyFilter: DWORD): THandle; stdcall; external kernel32 name
113   'FindFirstChangeNotificationA';
114 function SHUpdateRecycleBinIcon: integer; stdcall; external 'shell32.dll';
115 function SHEmptyRecycleBin(hwnd: thandle; pszRootPath: pchar; dwFlags: integer):
116   integer; stdcall; external 'shell32.dll' name 'SHEmptyRecycleBinA';
118 type
119   TForm1 = class(TForm)
120     RBinList: TListView;
121     MainMenu1: TMainMenu;
122     file1: TMenuItem;
123     View1: TMenuItem;
124     Refresh1: TMenuItem;
125     Edit1: TMenuItem;
126     SelectAll1: TMenuItem;
127     Restore1: TMenuItem;
128     N1: TMenuItem;
129     Delete1: TMenuItem;
130     N2: TMenuItem;
131     Close1: TMenuItem;
132     InvertSelection1: TMenuItem;
133     procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
134     procedure Refresh1Click(Sender: TObject);
135     procedure FormResize(Sender: TObject);
136     procedure file1Click(Sender: TObject);
137     procedure SelectAll1Click(Sender: TObject);
138     procedure InvertSelection1Click(Sender: TObject);
139     procedure Restore1Click(Sender: TObject);
140     procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction);
141     procedure Close1Click(Sender: TObject);
142     procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject);
143     procedure Delete1Click(Sender: TObject);
144   private
145     { Private declarations }
146   public
147     qh: thandle;
148     procedure refreshlist;
149     function updateinfo(fname: string): boolean;
150       //Makes appropriate changes to the INFO2 file
151     //present in recycled folder.
152     procedure Restorefiles; //restores the selected files from the recycle bin.
153     procedure deletefiles; //deletes the selected files from the recycle bin.
154   end;
156 var
157   Form1: TForm1;
158   rbinfo: SHQUERYRBINFO;
159   reccount: integer;
160   fhandle: integer;
161   monitorthread: TFileChangeNotify;
163 implementation
165 {$R *.DFM}
167 procedure tform1.deletefiles;
168 var
169   i: integer;
170   sname: string;
171   dname: string;
172 begin
173   monitorthread.Suspend;
174   for i := 0 to rbinlist.Items.Count - 1 do
175   begin
176     if rbinlist.Items[i].Selected = true then
177     begin
178       sname := ExtractFileDrive(rbinlist.Items[i].SubItems[0]) + '\Recycled\DC' +
179         rbinlist.Items[i].SubItems[1] + ExtractFileExt(rbinlist.Items[i].caption);
180       dname := rbinlist.Items[i].SubItems[0] + rbinlist.Items[i].caption;
181       deleteFile(sname);
182       updateinfo(dname);
183     end;
184   end;
185   monitorthread.Resume;
186 end;
188 function tform1.updateinfo(fname: string): boolean;
189 var
190   rbuff: Tfbuf;
191   fread: integer;
192   tsize: integer;
193   aname: pchar;
194   ch: char;
195 begin
196   result := false;
197   ch := #0;
198   fhandle := fileopen('C:\recycled\info2', fmOpenReadWrite or fmShareDenyNone);
199   if fhandle > 0 then
200   begin
201     tsize := GetFileSize(fhandle, nil);
202     setfilepointer(fhandle, 20, nil, FILE_BEGIN);
203     fread := 20;
204     while (fread
205       begin
206         fread := fread + fileread(fhandle, rbuff, 280);
207         if[0] <> #0 then
208         begin
209           aname := pchar([0]);
210           if StrComp(aname, pchar(fname)) = 0 then
211           begin
212             setfilepointer(fhandle, -280, nil, FILE_CURRENT);
213             filewrite(fhandle, ch, 1);
214             result := true;
215             break;
216           end;
217         end;
218       end;
219       fileclose(fhandle);
220   end;
221 end;
223 procedure tform1.refreshlist;
224 var
225   rbuff: Tfbuf;
226   fread: integer;
227   tsize: integer;
228   aname: pchar;
229   fitem: tlistitem;
230   dname: pchar;
231   iconhandle: thandle;
232   tmp: word;
233   iconid: integer;
234   icon: ticon;
235 begin
236   monitorthread.Suspend;
237   zeromemory(@rbuff, sizeof(rbuff));
238   rbinlist.Items.Clear;
239   fhandle := fileopen('C:\recycled\info2', fmOpenRead);
240   if fhandle > 0 then
241   begin
242     tsize := GetFileSize(fhandle, nil);
243     setfilepointer(fhandle, 20, nil, FILE_BEGIN);
244     fread := 20;
245     while (fread
246       begin
247         fread := fread + fileread(fhandle, rbuff, 280);
248         if[0] <> #0 then
249         begin
250           aname := pchar([0]);
251           dname := pchar((ExtractFileDrive(aname) + '\Recycled\DC' + inttostr
252             (rbuff.recno) + extractfileext(aname)));
253           iconhandle := ExtractAssociatedIcon(HInstance, dname, tmp);
254           icon.Handle := iconhandle;
255           iconid := largeimagelist.AddIcon(icon);
256           fitem := rbinlist.Items.add;
257           fitem.ImageIndex := iconid;
258           fitem.Caption := ExtractFileName(aname);
259           fitem.SubItems.Add(ExtractFilePath(aname));
260           fitem.SubItems.add(inttostr(rbuff.recno));
261         end;
262       end;
263       fileclose(fhandle);
264   end;
265   rbinfo.cbSize := sizeof(rbinfo);
266   rbinfo.i64NumItems := 0;
267   rbinfo.i64Size := 0;
268   SHQueryRecycleBin('C:\', @rbinfo);
269   if (rbinlist.items.count = 0) and (rbinfo.i64Size <> 0) then
270     SHEmptyRecycleBin(form1.handle, 'C:\', SHERB_NOCONFIRMATION or
272   monitorthread.resume;
273 end;
275 procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
276 begin
277   monitorthread := TFileChangeNotify.Create(false);
278 end;
280 procedure TForm1.Refresh1Click(Sender: TObject);
281 begin
282   refreshlist;
283 end;
285 procedure TForm1.FormResize(Sender: TObject);
286 begin
287   rbinlist.width := form1.width - 8;
288   rbinlist.height := form1.height - 48;
289 end;
291 procedure TForm1.file1Click(Sender: TObject);
292 begin
293   if rbinlist.SelCount > 0 then
294   begin
295     restore1.enabled := true;
296     Delete1.enabled := true;
297   end
298   else
299   begin
300     restore1.enabled := false;
301     Delete1.enabled := false;
302   end;
303 end;
305 procedure TForm1.SelectAll1Click(Sender: TObject);
306 var
307   i: integer;
308 begin
309   for i := 0 to rbinlist.Items.Count - 1 do
310     rbinlist.Items[i].Selected := true;
311 end;
313 procedure TForm1.InvertSelection1Click(Sender: TObject);
314 var
315   i: integer;
316 begin
317   for i := 0 to rbinlist.Items.Count - 1 do
318     rbinlist.Items[i].Selected := not (rbinlist.Items[i].Selected);
319 end;
321 procedure tform1.Restorefiles;
322 var
323   i: integer;
324   sname: string;
325   dname: string;
326 begin
327   monitorthread.Suspend;
328   for i := 0 to rbinlist.Items.Count - 1 do
329   begin
330     if rbinlist.Items[i].Selected = true then
331     begin
332       sname := ExtractFileDrive(rbinlist.Items[i].SubItems[0]) + '\Recycled\DC' +
333         rbinlist.Items[i].SubItems[1] + ExtractFileExt(rbinlist.Items[i].caption);
334       dname := rbinlist.Items[i].SubItems[0] + rbinlist.Items[i].caption;
335       MoveFile(pchar(sname), pchar(dname));
336       updateinfo(dname);
337     end;
338   end;
339   monitorthread.Resume;
340 end;
342 procedure TForm1.Restore1Click(Sender: TObject);
343 begin
344   restorefiles;
345 end;
347 procedure TForm1.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction);
348 begin
349   if qh <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then
350     FindCloseChangeNotification(qh);
351   monitorthread.Terminate;
352 end;
354 procedure TForm1.Close1Click(Sender: TObject);
355 begin
356   form1.close;
357 end;
359 procedure TForm1.FormShow(Sender: TObject);
360 begin
361   refreshlist;
362 end;
364 procedure TForm1.Delete1Click(Sender: TObject);
365 begin
366   deletefiles;
367 end;
369 end.

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