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How to Edit *.pif files programmatically Turn on/off line numbers in source code. Switch to Orginial background IDE or DSP color Comment or reply to this aritlce/tip for discussion. Bookmark this article to my favorite article(s). Print this article
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DSP, Administrator
Reference URL:
			Author: Jonas Bilinkevicius 

Does anybody know how to create and/ or modify a *.pif programmatically? Windows 
creates *.pif files for all DOS programs but does not provide any method to edit it 
except manually. Is that right?

2   procedure CreateShortcut(const FileName: string; Location: ShortcutType);
3   {Procedure to create a shortcut on the desktop or startmenu}
4   var
5     MyObject: IUnknown;
6     MySLink: IShellLink;
7     MyPFile: IPersistFile;
8     Directory: string;
9     LinkName: string;
10    IconName: string;
11    DirName: string;
12    pifName: WideString;
13    WFileName: WideString;
14    QuickLaunchReg: TRegIniFile;
15    aPidl: PItemIDList;
16    Res: HResult;
17    Buf: PByteArray;
18    PPif: pif_record_ref_type absolute Buf;
19    Flag: boolean;
20    i, j: integer;
21    n: longint;
22    PHeading: section_heading_record_ref_type;
23    PVMMSection: windows_vmm_section_ref_type;
24    PW386Section: ^windows_386_section_type;
25    f: file;
26  begin
27    MyObject := CreateComObject(CLSID_ShellLink);
28    MySLink := MyObject as IShellLink;
29    MyPFile := MyObject as IPersistFile;
30    MySLink.SetPath(PChar(FileName));
31    LinkName := ChangeFileExt(FileName, '.lnk');
32    LinkName := ExtractFileName(LinkName);
33    case Location of
34      _DESKTOP:
35        Res := SHGetSpecialFolderLocation(Application.Handle, CSIDL_DESKTOPDIRECTORY,
36          aPidl);
37      _STARTMENU:
38        Res := SHGetSpecialFolderLocation(Application.Handle, CSIDL_STARTMENU, aPidl);
39      _SENDTO:
40        Res := SHGetSpecialFolderLocation(Application.Handle, CSIDL_SENDTO, aPidl);
42        Res := 0;
43    end;
44    if Res <> NOERROR then
45    begin
46      case Location of
47        _DESKTOP:
48          Directory := 'ShellFolders->Desktop';
49        _STARTMENU:
50          Directory := 'ShellFolders->Start Menu';
51        _SENDTO:
52          Directory := 'ShellFolders->SendTo';
53        _QUICKLAUNCH:
54          Directory := 'MapGroups->Quick Launch';
55      end;
56      ShowMessage(Directory + ': Failed');
57    end
58    else
59    begin
60      {Get the actual path from the PItemIDList}
61      SetLength(Directory, MAX_PATH);
62      SHGetPathFromIDList(aPidl, PChar(Directory));
63      SetLength(Directory, StrLen(PChar(Directory)));
64      WFileName := Directory + '\' + LinkName;
65      if (Location = _DESKTOP) and (LinkName = 'PAULITA.lnk') then
66      begin
67        pifName := ExtractFilePath(FileName);
68        Res := MyPFile.Load(PWChar(pifName + 'SYS\PauLita.pif'), 0);
69        if Res = E_OUTOFMEMORY then
70          ShowMessage('.PIF LOAD: Out of Memory')
71        else if Res = E_FAIL then
72          ShowMessage('.PIF LOAD: Failed');
73        IconName := pifName + 'SYS\PAULITA.ICO';
74        Res := MySLink.SetIconLocation(PChar(IconName), 0);
75        if Res <> NOERROR then
76          ShowMessage('SetIconLocation: Failed');
77      end;
78      MySLink.SetPath(PChar(FileName));
79      DirName := ExtractFilePath(FileName);
80      DirName := Copy(DirName, 1, Length(DirName) - 1);
81      MySLink.SetWorkingDirectory(PChar(DirName));
82      Res := MyPFile.Save(PWChar(WFileName), FALSE);
83      if Res <> S_OK then
84        ShowMessage('Save ' + WFileName + ' Failed');
85      if (Location = _DESKTOP) and (LinkName = 'PAULITA.lnk') then
86      begin
87        Buf := nil;
88        Assign(f, Directory + '\PAULITA.PIF');
89        try
90          Reset(f, 1);
91          n := FileSize(f);
92          GetMem(Buf, n);
93          BlockRead(f, Buf^, n);
94          PW386Section := nil;
95          Flag := FALSE;
96          i := $187;
97          while i + SizeOf(section_heading_record_type) <= n do
98          begin
99            PHeading := @Buf^[i];
100           {ShowMessage(PHeading^.Name); }
101           {Look for WINDOWS 386 3.0 group}
102           if StrPas(@PHeading^.Name) = 'WINDOWS 386 3.0' then
103           begin
104             PW386Section := @Buf^[i + SizeOf(section_heading_record_type)];
105           end;
106           {Look for WINDOWS VMM 4.0 group}
107           if StrPas(@PHeading^.Name) = 'WINDOWS VMM 4.0' then
108           begin
109             Flag := TRUE;
110             Break;
111           end;
112           i := i + SizeOf(section_heading_record_type) + PHeading^.Len;
113         end;
114         if not Flag then
115         begin
116           ShowMessage('WINDOWS VMM 4.0 not Found in' + Directory + '\PAULITA.PIF');
117         end
118         else
119         begin
120           Flag := FALSE;
121           if (PPif^.Flags1 and CLOSE_ON_EXIT) = $0000 then
122           begin
123             PPif^.Flags1 := PPif^.Flags1 or CLOSE_ON_EXIT;
124             Flag := TRUE;
125           end;
126           j := Pos('PAULITA.EXE', PPif^.FileName);
127           if j > 0 then
128           begin
129             StrPCopy(PPif^.FileName, Copy(StrPas(@PPif^.FileName), 1, j - 1) +
130               'LITA.BAT'#0);
131             Flag := TRUE;
132           end;
133           if PW386Section <> nil then
134           begin
135             if (PW386Section^.Flags1 and $00000008) = $0000 then
136             begin
137               {Used}
138               PW386Section^.Flags1 := PW386Section^.Flags1or $00000008;
139                 {Full screen mode}
140               Flag := TRUE;
141             end;
142             if (PW386Section^.MaxEMS <> $FFFF) or (PW386Section^.ReqEMS <> $0000) or
143               (PW386Section^.MaxXMS <> $FFFF) or (PW386Section^.ReqXMS <> $0000) 
144 then
145             begin
146               PW386Section^.MaxEMS := $FFFF;
147               PW386Section^.ReqEMS := $0000;
148               PW386Section^.MaxXMS := $FFFF;
149               PW386Section^.ReqXMS := $0000;
150               Flag := TRUE;
151             end;
152           end;
153           PVMMSection := @Buf^[i + SizeOf(section_heading_record_type)];
154           if (PVMMSection^.Flags2 and FULL_SCREEN_MODE) = $0000 then
155           begin
156             {Not used}
157             PVMMSection^.Flags2 := PVMMSection^.Flags2 or FULL_SCREEN_MODE;
158             Flag := TRUE;
159           end;
160           if Flag then
161           begin
162             Seek(f, 0);
163             BlockWrite(f, Buf^, n);
164           end;
165         end;
166       finally
167         Close(f);
168         if Buf <> nil then
169           FreeMem(Buf, n);
170       end;
171     end;
172   end;
173 end;

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