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How to retrieve version information from an executable or DLL Turn on/off line numbers in source code. Switch to Orginial background IDE or DSP color Comment or reply to this aritlce/tip for discussion. Bookmark this article to my favorite article(s). Print this article
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DSP, Administrator
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			 Author: Jonas Bilinkevicius

Is there a quick way to include the build number created by Project/ Options/ 
Version Info in my About Box?


Solve 1:

Here's a function which will read the version info:

1   Get Major, Minor, Release, Build for an EXE or DLL file.
2   returns true = success.
3   returns false = failure, probably info not found in the file.}
5   function GetFileVersion(const FileName: string; var Major, Minor, Release, Build:
6     Integer;
7     var PreRelease, Debug: Boolean; var Description: string): Boolean;
8   var
9     Zero: DWORD; {set to 0 by GetFileVersionInfoSize}
10    VersionInfoSize: DWORD;
11    PVersionData: pointer;
12    PFixedFileInfo: PVSFixedFileInfo;
13    FixedFileInfoLength: UINT;
14    FileFlags: WORD;
15  begin
16    {ask Windows how big a data buffer to allocate to hold this EXE or DLL version 
17  info}
18    VersionInfoSize := GetFileVersionInfoSize(pChar(FileName), Zero);
19    {if no version info in the EXE or DLL}
20    if VersionInfoSize = 0 then
21    begin
22      result := False;
23      exit;
24    end;
25    {allocate memory needed to hold version info}
26    PVersionData := AllocMem(VersionInfoSize);
27    try
28      {load version resource out of EXE or DLL into our buffer}
29      if GetFileVersionInfo(pChar(FileName), 0, VersionInfoSize, PVersionData) = false
30        then
31      begin
32        raise Exception.Create('Can''''t get version info');
33      end;
34      {get the fixed file info portion of the resource in buffer}
35      if VerQueryValue(PVersionData, '\', pointer(PFixedFileInfo), 
36  FixedFileInfoLength)
37        = false then
38      begin
39        {no fixed file info in this version resource !}
40        result := False;
41        exit;
42      end;
43      {extract the info from the the fixed file data structure}
44      Major := PFixedFileInfo^.dwFileVersionMS shr 16;
45      Minor := PFixedFileInfo^.dwFileVersionMS and $FFFF;
46      Release := PFixedFileInfo^.dwFileVersionLS shr 16;
47      Build := PFixedFileInfo^.dwFileVersionLS and $FFFF;
48      FileFlags := PFixedFileInfo^.dwFileFlags;
49      PreRelease := (VS_FF_PRERELEASE and FileFlags) < > 0;
50      Debug := (VS_FF_DEBUG and FileFlags) < > 0;
51      Description := Format('Ver %d.%d, Release %d Build %d', [Major, Minor, Release,
52        Build]);
53      if PreRelease then
54      begin
55        Description := Description + ' Beta';
56      end;
57      if Debug then
58      begin
59        Description := Description + ' Debug';
60      end;
61    finally
62      FreeMem(PVersionData);
63    end;
64    result := True;
65  end;

Solve 2:

66  { ... }
68  TVer = record
69    case integer of
70      0: (both: integer);
71      1: (LowPart, HighPart: Word);
72  end;
74  TVersion = record
75    Major: Word;
76    Minor: Word;
77    Release: Word;
78    Build: Word;
79  end;
81  function GetVersionInfo(FileName: string): TVersion;
82  var
83    Len: DWord;
84    Size: DWord;
85    buf: pChar;
86    Info: pVSFixedFileInfo;
87  begin
88    fillChar(result, sizeOf(TVersion), #0);
89    Size := GetFileVersionInfoSize(pChar(FileName), Len);
90    if Size = 0 then
91      exit;
92    GetMem(buf, Size);
93    try
94      GetFileVersionInfo(pChar(FileName), 0, Size, buf);
95      if VerQueryValue(buf, '\', pointer(Info), Len) then
96        with Result do
97        begin
98          Major := TVer(Info.dwFileVersionMS).HighPart;
99          Minor := TVer(Info.dwFileVersionMS).LowPart;
100         Release := TVer(Info.dwFileVersionLS).HighPart;
101         Build := TVer(Info.dwFileVersionLS).LowPart;
102       end;
103   finally
104     FreeMem(buf);
105   end;
106 end;

Solve 3:

Get the version info stored inside a DLL.

107 function dgGetBuildInfo: string;
108 var
109   V1, V2, V3, V4: Word;
110   VerInfoSize: DWORD;
111   VerInfo: Pointer;
112   VerValueSize: DWORD;
113   VerValue: PVSFixedFileInfo;
114   Dummy: DWORD;
115 begin
116   VerInfoSize := GetFileVersionInfoSize(PChar(ParamStr(0)), Dummy);
117   GetMem(VerInfo, VerInfoSize);
118   try
119     GetFileVersionInfo(PChar(ParamStr(0)), 0, VerInfoSize, VerInfo);
120     VerQueryValue(VerInfo, '\', Pointer(VerValue), VerValueSize);
121     with VerValue^ do
122     begin
123       V1 := dwFileVersionMS shr 16;
124       V2 := dwFileVersionMS and $FFFF;
125       V3 := dwFileVersionLS shr 16;
126       V4 := dwFileVersionLS and $FFFF;
127     end;
128     Result := IntToStr(V1) + '.' + IntToStr(V2) + '.' + IntToStr(V3) + '.' +
129       IntToStr(V4);
130   finally
131     FreeMem(VerInfo, VerInfoSize);
132   end;
133 end;

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