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How can I create a system wide keyboard hook under Win32? Turn on/off line numbers in source code. Switch to Orginial background IDE or DSP color Comment or reply to this aritlce/tip for discussion. Bookmark this article to my favorite article(s). Print this article
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DSP, Administrator
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			Author: William Gerbert 

How can I create a system wide keyboard hook under Win32?


I found the following code posted in a newsgroup. Since it is asked frequently, I 
add it here.


The following example demonstrates creating a system wide windows hook under Win32. 
The example provides both the code for the system hook dll and an example 
application. The hook function that we will create will also demonstrate advanced 
coding techniques such as sharing global memory across process boundaries using 
memory mapped files, sending messages from the key hook function back to the 
originating application, and dynamic loading of a dll at runtime.

The example keyboard hook that we create will keep a count of the number of 
keystrokes a user enters on the keyboard. Further, we will demonstrate trapping the 
enter key, and passing a message back to the application that initiated the 
keyboard hook each time the enter key is pressed. Finally, we will demonstrate 
trapping the left arrow key and instead of letting it through to the current 
application, we will instead replace it with a right arrow keystroke. (Note: that 
this can cause much confusion to a unsuspecting user). 

1   library TheHook;
3   uses
4     Windows, Messages, SysUtils;
6   {Define a record for recording and passing information process wide}
7   type
8     PHookRec = ^THookRec;
9     THookRec = packed record
10      TheHookHandle: HHOOK;
11      TheAppWinHandle: HWnd;
12      TheCtrlWinHandle: HWnd;
13      TheKeyCount: DWord;
14    end;
16  var
17    hObjHandle: THandle; {Variable for the file mapping object}
18    lpHookRec: PHookRec;
19    {Pointer to our hook record}
21  procedure MapFileMemory(dwAllocSize: DWord);
22  begin { MapFileMemory }
23    {Create a process wide memory mapped variable}
24    hObjHandle := CreateFileMapping($FFFFFFFF, nil, PAGE_READWRITE, 0,
25      dwAllocSize, 'HookRecMemBlock');
26    if (hObjHandle = 0) then
27    begin
28      MessageBox(0, 'Hook DLL', 'Could not create file map object', mb_Ok);
29      exit
30    end { (hObjHandle = 0) };
31    {Get a pointer to our process wide memory mapped variable}
32    lpHookRec := MapViewOfFile(hObjHandle, FILE_MAP_WRITE, 0, 0, dwAllocSize);
33    if (lpHookRec = nil) then
34    begin
35      CloseHandle(hObjHandle);
36      MessageBox(0, 'Hook DLL', 'Could not map file', mb_Ok);
37      exit
38    end { (lpHookRec = Nil) }
39  end; { MapFileMemory }
41  procedure UnMapFileMemory;
42  begin { UnMapFileMemory }
43    {Delete our process wide memory mapped variable}
44    if (lpHookRec <> nil) then
45    begin
46      UnMapViewOfFile(lpHookRec);
47      lpHookRec := nil
48    end { (lpHookRec <> Nil) };
49    if (hObjHandle > 0) then
50    begin
51      CloseHandle(hObjHandle);
52      hObjHandle := 0
53    end { (hObjHandle > 0) }
54  end; { UnMapFileMemory }
56  function GetHookRecPointer: pointer
57    stdcall;
58  begin { GetHookRecPointer }
59    {Return a pointer to our process wide memory mapped variable}
60    Result := lpHookRec
61  end; { GetHookRecPointer }
63  {The function that actually processes the keystrokes for our hook}
65  function KeyBoardProc(code: Integer; wParam: Integer; lParam: Integer):
66    Integer;
67    stdcall;
68  var
69    KeyUp: bool;
70    {Remove comments for additional functionability
71      IsAltPressed : bool;
72      IsCtrlPressed : bool;
73      IsShiftPressed : bool;
74     }
75  begin { KeyBoardProc }
76    Result := 0;
78    case code of
79      HC_ACTION:
80        begin
81          {We trap the keystrokes here}
82          {Is this a key up message?}
83          KeyUp := ((lParam and (1 shl 31)) <> 0);
85          (*Remove comments for additional functionability
86         {Is the Alt key pressed}
87          if ((lParam and (1 shl 29)) <> 0) then begin
88            IsAltPressed := TRUE;
89          end else begin
90            IsAltPressed := FALSE;
91          end;
93         {Is the Control key pressed}
94          if ((GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) and (1 shl 15)) <> 0) then begin
95            IsCtrlPressed := TRUE;
96          end else begin
97            IsCtrlPressed := FALSE;
98          end;
100        {if the Shift key pressed}
101         if ((GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) and (1 shl 15)) <> 0) then begin
102           IsShiftPressed := TRUE;
103         end else begin
104           IsShiftPressed := FALSE;
105         end;
106        *)
107         {if KeyUp then increment the key count}
108         if (KeyUp <> false) then
109         begin
110           inc(lpHookRec^.TheKeyCount)
111         end { (KeyUp <> false) };
113         case wParam of
114           {Was the enter key pressed?}
115           VK_RETURN:
116             begin
117               {if KeyUp}
118               if (KeyUp <> false) then
119               begin
120                 {Post a bogus message to the window control in our app}
121                 PostMessage(lpHookRec^.TheCtrlWinHandle, WM_KEYDOWN, 0, 0);
122                 PostMessage(lpHookRec^.TheCtrlWinHandle, WM_KEYUP, 0, 0)
123               end { (KeyUp <> false) };
124               {if you wanted to swallow the keystroke then return -1}
125               {else if you want to allow the keystroke then return 0}
126               Result := 0;
127               exit
128             end; {VK_RETURN}
129           {if the left arrow key is pressed then lets play a joke!}
130           VK_LEFT:
131             begin
132               {if KeyUp}
133               if (KeyUp <> false) then
134               begin
135                 {Create a UpArrow keyboard event}
136                 keybd_event(VK_RIGHT, 0, 0, 0);
137                 keybd_event(VK_RIGHT, 0, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0)
138               end { (KeyUp <> false) };
139               {Swallow the keystroke}
140               Result := -1;
141               exit
142             end; {VK_LEFT}
143         end { case wParam }; {case wParam}
144         {Allow the keystroke}
145         Result := 0
146       end; {HC_ACTION}
147     HC_NOREMOVE:
148       begin
149         {This is a keystroke message, but the keystroke message}
150         {has not been removed from the message queue, since an}
151         {application has called PeekMessage() specifying PM_NOREMOVE}
152         Result := 0;
153         exit
154       end;
155   end { case code }; {case code}
156   if (code < 0) then
157     {Call the next hook in the hook chain}
158     Result := CallNextHookEx(lpHookRec^.TheHookHandle, code, wParam, lParam)
159 end; { KeyBoardProc }
161 procedure StartKeyBoardHook
162   stdcall;
163 begin { StartKeyBoardHook }
164   {if we have a process wide memory variable}
165   {and the hook has not already been set...}
166   if ((lpHookRec <> nil) and (lpHookRec^.TheHookHandle = 0)) then
167   begin
168     {Set the hook and remember our hook handle}
169     lpHookRec^.TheHookHandle := SetWindowsHookEx(WH_KEYBOARD, @KeyBoardProc,
170       HInstance, 0)
171   end { ((lpHookRec <> Nil) and (lpHookRec^.TheHookHandle = 0)) }
172 end; { StartKeyBoardHook }
174 procedure StopKeyBoardHook
175   stdcall;
176 begin { StopKeyBoardHook }
177   {if we have a process wide memory variable}
178   {and the hook has already been set...}
179   if ((lpHookRec <> nil) and (lpHookRec^.TheHookHandle <> 0)) then
180   begin
181     {Remove our hook and clear our hook handle}
182     if (UnHookWindowsHookEx(lpHookRec^.TheHookHandle) <> false) then
183     begin
184       lpHookRec^.TheHookHandle := 0
185     end { (UnHookWindowsHookEx (lpHookRec^.TheHookHandle) <> false) }
186   end { ((lpHookRec <> Nil) and (lpHookRec^.TheHookHandle <> 0)) }
187 end; { StopKeyBoardHook }
189 procedure DllEntryPoint(dwReason: DWord);
190 begin { DllEntryPoint }
191   case dwReason of
192     Dll_Process_Attach:
193       begin
194         {if we are getting mapped into a process, then get}
195         {a pointer to our process wide memory mapped variable}
196         hObjHandle := 0;
197         lpHookRec := nil;
198         MapFileMemory(sizeof(lpHookRec^))
199       end;
200     Dll_Process_Detach:
201       begin
202         {if we are getting unmapped from a process then, remove}
203         {the pointer to our process wide memory mapped variable}
204         UnMapFileMemory
205       end;
206   end { case dwReason }
207 end; { DllEntryPoint }
209 exports
210   KeyBoardProc name 'KEYBOARDPROC',
211   GetHookRecPointer name 'GETHOOKRECPOINTER',
212   StartKeyBoardHook name 'STARTKEYBOARDHOOK',
213   StopKeyBoardHook name 'STOPKEYBOARDHOOK';
215 begin
216   {Set our Dll's main entry point}
217   DLLProc := @DllEntryPoint;
218   {Call our Dll's main entry point}
219   DllEntryPoint(Dll_Process_Attach)
220 end.

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