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How to do a SELECT from different tables Turn on/off line numbers in source code. Switch to Orginial background IDE or DSP color Comment or reply to this aritlce/tip for discussion. Bookmark this article to my favorite article(s). Print this article
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DSP, Administrator
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			Author: Tomas Rutkauskas 

I am trying to select from 2 or more tables and I am unsuccessful. How would I go 
about this? I am using Delphi's Query component and I want to display columns from 
each table.


First, the columns from each table must be included in the SELECT clause of the 
statement. Any columns not included will not be returned. However, if the columns 
list of a SELECT clause is an asterisk, all columns are returned.

Second, all tables in the join query must be listed in the FROM clause. How they 
are listed depends on the type of join used: inner, outer, full, or equi-join.

Third, a condition must be supplied by which any given row from one table is 
associated with some row from the other. Unless you supply this condition, you get 
what is known as a Cartesian join where every row from one table is joined with 
every row of the other. So if each table has 100 records, the result set will have 
10,000 records (100*100). How the condition is provided varies with the type of 
join used. For equi-joins, the condition is in the WHERE clause. For all other type 
joins, the condition is in an ON section of the FROM clause.

Here is an example of an equi-join using the two sample Paradox tables Customer and 
Orders. From the Customer table, only the CustNo and Company columns are returned 
by the query. From the orders table, the OrderNo and AmountPaid columns are 
returned. These two tables have the CustNo column in common and so this is used for 
the join. (Join columns need not have the same name, only the same values between 
the two tables. In this case their having the same name is coincidental.):

SELECT C.CustNo, C.Company, O.OrderNo, O.AmountPaid
FROM "Customer.db" C, "Orders.db" O
WHERE (C.CustNo = O.CustNo)

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