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Duplicate the string sorting of the Windows XP Explorer Turn on/off line numbers in source code. Switch to Orginial background IDE or DSP color Comment or reply to this aritlce/tip for discussion. Bookmark this article to my favorite article(s). Print this article
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DSP, Administrator
Reference URL:
			Author: Lou Adler

I've noticed a change in Explorer's sorting algorithm. Under Windows 2000, one 
would see files sorted by name this way: A100, A20, A3, B100, B20, B3. Under 
Windows XP, one would see the same files sorted by name this way: A3, A20, A100, 
B3, B20, B100. Does anyone know of a string sort-compare function that uses this 
new sorting algorithm? I would prefer to not rely on an API call that doesn't exist 
in prior versions of Windows.


1   unit Unit1;
3   interface
5   uses
6     Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, StdCtrls;
8   type
9     TForm1 = class(TForm)
10      Button1: TButton;
11      ListBox1: TListBox;
12      Edit1: TEdit;
13      Label1: TLabel;
14      procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
15      procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
16    private
17      { Private declarations }
18    public
19      { Public declarations }
20    end;
22  type
23    TFolderContent = (
24      fcFiles, {Include all Files}
25      fcFolders, {Include all Folders}
26      fcHidden {Include all hidden objects}
27      );
28    TFolderContents = set of TFolderContent;
29    TFileResult = (
30      FileName, {Return a list of filenames}
31      Path {Return a list of complete file paths}
32      );
34  const
35    AllFolderContent = [fcFiles, fcFolders, fcHidden];
37  var
38    Form1: TForm1;
40  implementation
42  uses
43    ShellAPI, ShlObj, ActiveX;
45  {$R *.dfm}
47  var
48    SortFolder: IShellFolder;
49    SortColumn: Integer;
51  function ShellCompare(Item1, Item2: Pointer): Integer;
52  begin
53    Result := 0;
54    if Assigned(SortFolder) then
55      Result := ShortInt(SortFolder.CompareIDs(SortColumn, Item1, Item2));
56  end;
58  function PathToPIDL(APath: WideString): PItemIDList;
59  {Takes the passed Path and attempts to convert it to the equavalent PIDL}
60  var
61    Desktop: IShellFolder;
62    pchEaten, dwAttributes: ULONG;
63  begin
64    Result := nil;
65    SHGetDesktopFolder(Desktop);
66    dwAttributes := 0;
67    if Assigned(Desktop) then
68      Desktop.ParseDisplayName(0, nil, PWideChar(APath), pchEaten, Result,
69        dwAttributes);
70  end;
72  function StrRetToStr(StrRet: TStrRet; APIDL: PItemIDList; const Malloc: IMalloc):
73    WideString;
74  {Extracts the string from the StrRet structure}
75  var
76    P: PChar;
77    {S: string;}
78  begin
79    case StrRet.uType of
80      STRRET_CSTR:
81        begin
82          SetString(Result, StrRet.cStr, lStrLen(StrRet.cStr));
83          {Result := S}
84        end;
86        begin
87          if Assigned(APIDL) then
88          begin
89  {$R-}
90            P := PChar(@(APIDL).mkid.abID[StrRet.uOffset - SizeOf(APIDL.mkid.cb)]);
91  {$R+}
92            SetString(Result, P, StrLen(P));
93            {Result := S;}
94          end
95          else
96            Result := '';
97        end;
98      STRRET_WSTR:
99        begin
100         Result := StrRet.pOleStr;
101         if Assigned(StrRet.pOleStr) then
102           Malloc.Free(StrRet.pOLEStr);
103       end;
104   end;
105 end;
107 function GetDirectoryFolder(Directory: WideString): IShellFolder;
108 var
109   Desktop: IShellFolder;
110   pchEaten, dwAttributes: ULONG;
111   PIDL: PItemIDList;
112 begin
113   SHGetDesktopFolder(Desktop);
114   if Assigned(Desktop) then
115   begin
116     PIDL := nil;
117     Desktop.ParseDisplayName(0, nil, PWideChar(Directory), pchEaten, PIDL,
118       dwAttributes);
119     if Assigned(PIDL) then
120     begin
121       Desktop.BindToObject(PIDL, nil, IShellFolder, Result);
122       CoTaskMemFree(PIDL);
123     end;
124   end;
125 end;
127 procedure EnumFolder(Folder: IShellFolder; Contents: TFolderContents; PIDLList:
128   TList);
129 var
130   Flags: Longword;
131   EnumList: IEnumIDList;
132   Fetched: ULONG;
133   PIDL: PItemIDList;
134 begin
135   Flags := 0;
136   if fcFiles in Contents then
137     Flags := Flags or SHCONTF_NONFOLDERS;
138   if fcFolders in Contents then
139     Flags := Flags or SHCONTF_FOLDERS;
140   if fcHidden in Contents then
141     Flags := Flags or SHCONTF_INCLUDEHIDDEN;
142   Folder.EnumObjects(0, Flags, EnumList);
143   if Assigned(EnumList) then
144   begin
145     while EnumList.Next(1, PIDL, Fetched) <> S_FALSE do
146       PIDLList.Add(PIDL);
147   end;
148 end;
150 procedure GetDirectoryContents(Directory: WideString; Contents: TFolderContents;
151   FileResult: TFileResult; SortOnColumn: Integer; FileList: TStringList);
152 {Parameters:
153 Directory: Path of the directory to get the contents of
154 Contents:  What type of objects on the folder to include
155 FileResult: Return only the file names or the complete path for each file
156 SortOnColumn: What column (in Explorer report view) to sort the item on, 0 is the 
157 name
158 FileList:  The resulting file list user allocated}
159 var
160   Folder: IShellFolder;
161   PIDLList: TList;
162   i: Integer;
163   Malloc: IMalloc;
164   Flags: Longword;
165   StrRet: TStrRet;
166 begin
167   Assert(Assigned(FileList),
168     'User must allocate the FileString List in GetDirectoryContents');
169   Folder := GetDirectoryFolder(Directory);
170   if Assigned(Folder) then
171   begin
172     SHGetMalloc(Malloc);
173     PIDLList := TList.Create;
174     try
175       EnumFolder(Folder, Contents, PIDLList);
176       SortFolder := Folder;
177       SortColumn := SortOnColumn;
178       PIDLList.Sort(ShellCompare);
179       {Release the count on the interface}
180       SortFolder := nil;
181       FileList.Capacity := PIDLList.Count;
182       if FileResult = FileName then
183         Flags := SHGDN_NORMAL
184       else
185         Flags := SHGDN_FORPARSING;
186       for i := 0 to PIDLList.Count - 1 do
187       begin
188         FillChar(StrRet, SizeOf(StrRet), #0);
189         if Folder.GetDisplayNameOf(PIDLList[i], Flags, StrRet) = NOERROR then
190           FileList.Add(StrRetToStr(StrRet, PIDLList[i], Malloc));
191       end;
192     finally
193       for i := 0 to PIDLList.Count - 1 do
194         Malloc.Free(PIDLList[i]);
195       PIDLList.Free;
196     end;
197   end;
198 end;
200 procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
201 var
202   Files: TStringList;
203 begin
204   Files := TStringList.Create;
205   GetDirectoryContents(Edit1.Text, AllFolderContent, Path, 0, Files);
206   ListBox1.Items.Assign(Files);
207   Files.Free;
208 end;
210 procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
211 begin
212   Label1.Caption := 'Enter a Directory';
213   Edit1.Text := 'c:\';
214 end;
216 end.

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